Still Dead
Thanks for Checking on me
- It's dark down there! Going to get a night light and some Manga.
- It's Fucking Halloween, I'm not staying in! Gonna get some candy!
- Just Heard [A person I hate] just died. Going to dance on their grave and shit on it a little.
- There's another Star Wars Movie! I ain't missing this!
- I farted and it stinks. Gonna air out while I get some pepto.
- Got Bored. Going to get tacos! Be right back!
- Hold on, someone just rediscovered the Jonas Brother's music catalog. Need to save your asses!
- Hold on, The Rolling Stones are touring. I wanna see this again!
- It's Taco Tuesday. Where do you think I am?
- Feeling a little fat. Going for a run.
- That's it. You done fucked up! I'm starting the Zombie Uprising! I WARNED YOU!
- The guy in the next grave keeps talking to me. Need to get some earplugs.
- The gravedigger keeps bad touching me. I'm getting the fuck out of here!
- Some one keeps making Chuck Norris jokes. I need to teach this fucker what's what!
- Got Bored again. Going to hide under some beds. Psychiatrists need to make a living you know.
- Hold on, need to get my music catalog updated again. Fucking technology!
- I guess I have to grow my own damn flowers!
- Hold on....I got updated to some shitty version of Windows. I need to buy 7 again.
- What the Fuck are you doing again?!? Haven't you fixed the voting system?!? Do I have to fix everything?
- Ate someone that didn't agree with me. Check the restroom. Bring toilet paper!
- THERE'S ANOTHER WU TANG ALBUM! I'm buying this one!
- Stop fucking visiting me! I'm still an INTROVERT! Give me some fucking space, geesh!
- I'm tired of hearing your shitty problems. Going to get shitfaced!
- Getting laid. Come back later in a couple of hours!
- Fucking $10 for delivery! Fuck that!
- It's Saint's Patty's Day! Going to get shitfaced!
- Dude! R.R. Martin finally finished the fucking book!
You know I do this because I love you right?
What would you do without me?
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