Monday, September 5, 2016

Morning respite over Coffee and the Sundering of American Life or My take on Clint Eastwood's Pussy Generation

*sitting in kitchen with second cup of coffee listening to a lecture. This is his first time this week having coffee. Since he's running an average of 14 to 17 miles a week now, coffee is a no run day delicacy to be savored and cherished in these silent moments with headphones in ears. Looking out to the yard and street a large truck favored to construction workers wail on it's train like horn at a lowrider speed as it's large bounty of fruit glistens with freshly hoses mist. Blueberries would be lovely later if not for a fridge filled with them. It's difficult finding a decent sushi restaurant or a pho shop, but fresh fruit is never hard to find, often putting to shame the produce often shipped third rate due to geography and likelihood to fall for "organic" labels considering that the majority of people here have raised crops at one point or another in their lives*

...hmmmmm...they want a wall.....*sighs*....they actually want a wall......

*he shakes his head and tries to forget politics and the growing fear among most people here that the nation is actually going to bear down on them like in the 70's, or 30's, or worse. "Illegal" immigration have statistically not only ended in a trickle, but have regressed with families not able to afford their homeland once more and knowing that land is plentiful, they haven't seen their families in decades, and their children and grandchildren have thanked their sacrifice as societies "shit people" and "whipping boys" so that they can be citizens, gain the opportunity of an education, and actually give back to the society that once considered them vermin*

.....Pete Wilson.....Ronald Reagan......Roosevelt *sighs again*

*It's funny how it was the "Mexicans" now as it was the "Italians" then. Or the "Chinese" or the "Japanese" and the "Irish" and even the "Blacks". It's always someone else for the problems that never seem to be solved in centuries. Whipping boys are numerous and easy to find. Any population attempting to exist in a society that does not give them a fair shake out side of letting you live here will always find their place in some newsletter or web site or blog calling for the mongrels to be cast out either by political control or by weapon, all depending who the president is. Patriots become rebels in increments of four or eight years. It's either may way god bless america or it's don't tread on me you other. Nothing changes. Videos are made, people capturing moments of horror that only now the majority of White America is witnessing with a saddening response of either never knowing despite of the amount of history books or simply defending why a twelve year old child playing with a toy gun was deemed worth of immediate execution. People are horrified over a gorilla's death or "assassination" never understanding that young boys are sat down not understanding how sex works but how death may happen with a harsh word, not complying to every opportunity, or simply making the choice of buying something from the 7-11*

......nothing changed. Just more people realize it and are either appalled or even overjoyed......

*life was hard in the 80's. He was always a trusting child. If told police would give you baseball cards then they did that. He had several and the Dodgers were huge to him. In time he would stop believing them heroes as the violence of the streets he lived on increased with the drug war and the romanticized view of the gangbanger. It makes him laugh that word has changed meaning in time considering the horror he's seen and the friends he lost. Drug money, poverty and an easy score lured many to it only to have the majority laying bloodied in the streets, the young in prison, and a legal and political system not realize that opportunity is limited in these areas and the youth needed saving, but were condemned as animals, without family structure, or without morals. Their horrific warlike terror was seen as reasons why you would arm yourselves and that ignorant people are just criminals by nature. Ah, the 80's. Most see it as joyful folly, he sees it as twenty years of justified police killings and a funnel of prison to communities who needed FEMA or someone to realize that poverty kills. It kills, but it also fills coffers. Everyone feared the NWA, but no one realized that segregation and police brutality from Lynwood would fuel Compton's rage. Today what NWA alive are selling beer or overpriced headphones. "Hard niggas" of the 90's now have MBA's and are community leaders who suffered the hell of the day to give a new generation a new day*

.....privileged kids....pussy generation...*sips mug only to realize that it's empty, yet holds it to take in happy scent*.......trigger warnings .......and the fagot generation.....ha......"make my day"....ha ha....

*kids are fucking pussies. It's an easy thing to say. Almost trying to wash it's hands from what is and what responsibility have wroth. Clint Eastwood made his money by shooting niggers and thugs because Merica needed a dirty harry. Charles Bronson murdered rapist, spics, and hippy druggies to make his streets clean with a large manly gun. Arnold stopped smoking weed on camera and stopped chasing pussy to bulk down and say one liners while shooting gangs and Sandinista and commie shit that one day he would be given the chance to ruin California's economy. Bruce Willis stopped trying to play the blues on stage and picked up guns against the russkied and socialists and anyone with a funny accent. Chuck Norris has no testicles, no! Bruce Lee's bitch has only two more fists in his sack and be ejaculates spin kicks. Such a delicate thing, the male ego is and it seems the more "privileged" it is the more women and people of color has to bow to it to make it feel superior. Paula Dean isn't a racist really, all she wanted was niggers to dance in white like in those Shirley Temple movies. And Black people did back then under an age of oppression, lynchings and making any small move lead to death. They tapped danced, sang and smiled on stage. Women swooned at the turn of the century then wanted to vote even if they bleed all over the booths, the uppity bitches. Wet backs wanted a fair pay for picking poison sprayed produced that caused birth defects in their young. Remember Charo? She shook her body to hoochi koochi while Brown children wanted to go to a better school and be prepared for college. The Rat Pack ruled the world even if Sammy could do anything without half of the nation calling him a nigger jew.*

.....I got to be me.....poor Sammy.....

*Mr. Eastwood wants this back. No one complained because they had no voices or they got lynched via mob or police. The faggots were just faggots until Harvey Milk took a stand and was shot. Malcolm called for revolution by any means necessary and was shot. King wanted to follow Gandhi's stance on nonviolence and was killed when he spoke against a war in Vietnam, the commie nigger cheat.....he cheated on his wife you know.....filthy nigger. Black Panthers were killed on spot by police or informants planted information to ensure their imprisonment. Student organization where under surveillance and multiple organizations were torn apart from the inside by those who wore the same color for the bidding of Blue. People to this day believe that crack was devised by the CIA and AIDS was made in labs to decimate the population of those who are unwanted. It's conspiracy at best, but when Ronald Reagan holds a press conference and the question of HIV is brought up laughter is had about the male homosexual disease. Investigations are discovered that police and even higher government used dirty measures to catch "crooks" only to have them overturned, damages paid, and police departments on charges. What's worth when someone is made to live in a wheelchair due to a bust? When they ARE a criminal and the charges were made up and they were placed there with "good meaning" yet a dirty outcome. It's funny even now the ghosts of gangs and militants are used to scare white america. They're going to get you so more guns and in schools and in church and in the bedroom. In my youth, gun violence was a normal thing in school as one guy was shot over gang business and rarely in daylight. Drive by were common and we wore colors that were not "colors". We were called animals and savages in the halls of Congress. Then Columbine happened and more up to Littletown. We never killed our classmates, "only the cost of business" as the lyrics go. Yet this was something we needed to cure, now the epidemic is all over. No I worry that The Jungle and Crenshaw is being gentrified by a generation of white middle class who somehow didn't get the memo of what monsters we are. Children who's nannys played ranchera music and taught them Spanish while cooking and cleaning. The animals raised their children to know what tacos are. To fuel the foodie revolutions of enjoying other culture's food when they were reviled for being different. This new generation of white people are adventurous and friendly to a culture who had warned their children to keep their heads down and "don't cause trouble"*

....Good days.....when are our good days?

*He called his daughter privileged, but not to insult her. To make a point. He told her, if he lined up the generations of their family from her on the end to their great grandparents who rumors fought in the revolution and had that generations "white people" call them a filthy racial something, her great grandparents who had rifles in their hands because of need rather then ego would only look down and be silent. Her grandparents would do the same, but a glint of "uppity" might escape. Me, my generation would take a breath, calculate the threat and choose our words carefully only to be silence by her and her generation pulling out their phone, recording the happening and armed with a flurry of facts and outraged that has made them the "pussy generation". Oh my god, triggers. You should not rape because bad. And you should not shoot people because bad. Your argument should not be won with a bullet because bad. Straight Male privilege is bad because it oppresses blah blah blah....pussy generation, see? Keep your head down, do a little dance, and make that delicate privileged ego safe. Dirty Harry hates your complaining. Chick Norris, a man who afraid of chemtrails think that nonchristians are a threat to all because they exist. Arnold did the most republican thing while fucking California over by fucking the maid! That ugly brown bitch! Not like Shakira...that girl can shake and ass....booty booty everywhere, Bra.....Bruce Willis needs his guns everywhere or else he realizes he has no career without them. Paula Dean is a person of her time and she don't care because someone like the fact that niggers danced in clean white clothes and made Shirley Temple happy. They knew their place. Charles Bronson died in a lucky age where brown people were shot at and not reasoned with. I guess he's the lucky one*

....they want a wall......not better economics.....a wall......

*The time scares him a little. The threat of Alt Right worries him. The people who side with Merica even if some nigger, muslim social commie fagot prostitute who turned tricks for the drugs is in charge and ruining everything. The fact that Skin heads are being met with violence from a generation of leather clad vatos who are not going to let an angry minority end a protest with violence. They will fight back even if they get stabbed and arrested and held while the offending group leaves with bail. The world cheered and said that is what you do to "Nazis". Black people are arming themselves in Black Panther manner and protecting Mosques from Mericans and their guns. Brown people are not to be messed with anymore. The faggots are not, and they realize that Harvey left them with a great example of unification beyond who you take to bed with and to stand against who threatens you, even if it's not a "gay thing'. Unification means protecting those in need rather then each for themselves. So, he's trusted enough for someone to come out to. He's willing to hear someones tale or horror that is filed with rape, racial disharmony and gender trappings even if it looks like he's the "bad guy" in the story. People's voices are expanding and a new generation joins those commie, race traders who sold Merica out into realizing that one's privilege is often the removal of rights to others to masquerade as privilege. Hearing of horrors committed for their benefit only to realize it's not. Poverty is a universal unifying point, yet people are told this group or that group is to blame by those who gain from that lie. Merica has a sad story of it's own, once sung in country music but now often drowned out by patriotism. Everyone is coming together to a new idea of everyone making it, not just few while fewer gain most, but everyone, even the skinhead whose anger may one day wain and cause them to question. We've all been played here. Fear is dying out for some and for others the only means of unity. These are frightening times. That a man who has no allegiance other to himself would be the ALT RIGHT choice, god's choice. The White Race's choice when's not. The game is blatant now and with that all the mechanisms are seen for all who dare. Yes, some want a wall and that makes all of us to pull together. Fagots are to blame and it pulls us all together. Religion is used as a weapon and even atheists hold the line for what's right. Women are divided on gender roles, race, and privilege yet in some happy moments unity happens. This is a frightening time and yet it pulls us together.*

.....but will we hold or let go once November arrives.....*sigh*

*He doesn't know and that scares him the most.*

.....they want a wall......

*He takes his mug to the sink and washes it out. Ikea is on today's list and beds must be picked up. He doesn't run today, but the previous nights soreness and ache is still prominent as he shuffles towards the bathroom.*

...I'm getting too old for this.....

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