Sunday, December 25, 2016

Saying the hardest things that I have no words to say

There is so much to share and yet I'm not ready to share it, but I will say this. The only redemption to this crummy year has been October. I can already sense that I'm touching the tip of the iceberg here and that this paragraph will become the first step in a long journey, something in which I know I'm ready to share, but the moment has not approached as of yet. It almost reminds me of announcing an engagement after a tragedy. It taints the moment and yet it must be shared sooner or later, yet we always choose a later point to share hoping that the long tentacles of misery would not reach far enough to snatch us once more.

And then George Micheal passes. Hell, we just lost Joey Boots a day ago.......fuck you, 2016.

I mean, fuck you 2016. I'm so done with you. And yet I am in no need to share anything and I'm quite a happy place introverting in a warm room far from any stress and people. I love you all, more at this moment than before, but I need space to recharge, de-stress and carry the heavy mantel that is my persona.

See.....already ungreased gears turn and high pitched squeals sound. I can feel this becoming longer than I am willing to invest or am emotionally able to give. So stating that I will leave you with some short thought that hit me just now and maybe something profound out of the random mind crap that is my head.

I'm house sitting a few places hence running around between dwellings ensuring that pets get walks and feedings while making certain people know that the place is safe, happy and lived in. As of today, I haven't spoken to another human being and I'm happy. I need these moments. I need them because I I realize that my mind needs rest when it comes to thought and I honestly realize that my mouth is not the best medium for communication, which means out of all my physical abilities I'd have to say that I'd willingly give up my voice than any other faculties that are well used and enjoyed. My mouth is not the best way to communicate with you all. the fact that I fight my mind from the onslaught of thoughts and sorting to which ones should be verbalized with the painful stress of knowing if I do not choose my words carefully my puckish nature would be considered horrible and cruel rather than introspective and humorous.  So, writing is what I work with best.

That and I have difficulties saying things. So I usually blurt them and polish them on the fly. I will never utter a beautiful word, but given time, silence, and a bit of inspiration I know I can move you as I am moved. There is so much to say and I can spend a life time with the thoughts I hold at this time, but most are not mature or ripened to share. So I'll try to say this.

I was just moved in my time of isolation on how much my life had changed. The beginning of this year I had a resolve that I would either get healthy or finally decide to take that walk down the street. The contrasts from January, coughing up blood and malaise-filled, now filled with hope, confidence, and even affection for most of you. And yet, I know I closed a chapter of my life some time ago, I know I am far from perfect.  Today is Xmas day. I'm an atheist so I'm not one to celebrate, yet when I was in the cult I didn't celebrate is either. In fact, I've spent this day usually walking the empty streets and agreeing to a friend or another to go eat Chinese or visit so that I can receive a gift. The day has no meaning to me. Tuesdays usually have more meaning to me than this day, not as in a manner of protest, but because I am used to this leave of isolation I am used to. I am comfortable alone and even distant with people. I'm one who walks from the crowd when I tired from hiding in it and I go do my thing.

And I realize that I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't know how to show affection other than my children and I know that's an issue to be tackled in a wee bit. Yet, as I listen to Stephen King address an audience while traversing the Commonwealth, I realize I feel something odd. I feel something that I don't understand. I feel something that I can put into words yet, but I'll try:

I miss alot of you.

.....yea, I think that's it. I feel not loneliness, but longing. I miss some of you and I want to hear your voice, even a few words. I don't know how to express myself in this way, because I've always been the "hardass", but I've also been meek and crushed. So I don't know how to express myself to you. I need a bit of distance to function and this is the first time I realize I don't want that distance. I want to cut that. I want to hug some of you. I want to tell you how much you mean to me. I want to share something positive that's trapped in my mind and I can not find the words to put it into meaning as of yet. Some of you I want to swing in my arms and laugh. Others I want to hold a warm drink and listen to you speak if only to remember what your voice sounds like again.

I'm still sorting out. I'm better. I have discovered the tracks of the train wreck, but I know from the wreckage that I have alot of work to do. I have alot of intimacy issues to work out and even understanding myself as a human being. I don't know what I am to you all. I don't know what I look like. I don't know what I am half the time and I do not understand how I can be a bit more. Being people like you is hard. It's where I am flawed and lacking. Being a "hard ass" or a "Legend" is easy since I just push through, but being human is almost unimaginable.

A woman jogged past me while I was walking a dog and she looked towards me and gave me a passing look that confused me. I didn't know what it means, but old tendencies told me to "avoid". I don't know who to people. I don't know how to say words that I need to say. This is my challenge for 2017. To be people.

.....and for some of you, this is why I'm still not "sleeping around" or even "dating"., yea......broken......but I want to say things because I have new emotions at the moment.

.....I love you all. I realize my life is better among you all. I'm sorry I was going to end my life this year. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt I had no direction or choice. Now I realize I have full control of my life. I had the strongest feeling of.....sorrow, I realized that I was going to take my life. That if I was not able to recover I would have died and I would have done it now. I would have taken my life at this point and just understanding how I took another path and one that has made my life not only different, but enjoyable and safe.....I am terrified by my own resolution of what I could have done....and I'm so sorry.....I guess I want your forgiveness and I don't know why. I realized that I would have been gone and pain-free and yet I would have never felt this amount of happy. It's almost Dickens how I want to run into the streets and cheer at the moment.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I almost gave up on me and would have left. 

.....this upcoming year I'm making amends. I'm coming to see you all. I will make my life better than it is now and I will do what I can to have you all together in one place and I will try to say what I can not. I"m sorry I can't say it now. I'm in therapy and I'm honestly trying.

......well, I said that stupidly and clumsily and yet, it had to be said......stupidly since I can't find the way to say things.

I'll end it here.

Peace and Love.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

When Chaos returns and keeps you jumping.....

Sorry good people for the lack of writing so far. Things are getting a bit hectic and I have a few different deadlines coming in and I wanted to knock them out before things go belly up. So not writing until next week. I have much to write and even much to share that I haven't gotten the chance to go into, but things are just a bit too hectic.

If anything I can share with you all that I'm now isolating any last pockets of insanity that still plague me and I'm in the process of removing them permanently. It's funny when you realize what you are finally able to do and how much work it is and at the same time it isn't to do. Things are good overall and I'm more than fine. Any difficulty that I am enduring is with a smile rather than a dark cloud or the Big Black Dog near. Things are good, but just a busy season for me.

SO please hold hope. I shall share more soon. Just need to handle this and then I'll come back.

Peace and Love, please be good to each other.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Conversation I DO Want to have with Some of You what Think I Need Someone.....

Some of you: Oh, you found someone! That's love and you finally have it! This girl with the stars in her eyes! This is how I found [insert their significant others name] and we'd been happy ever since! I'm so happy you met her! Your life is SO going to be better now that you have found someone!


Some of you: You found someone, right? Going out?


Some of you: You .....wait.....*reads post again* haven't kind of jumped the gun.

Me: ......

Some of you: Um....gee....your.....your life means something......your life has worth and value even without being in love.....

Me:......*still looking at you*

Some of you: you won't change your profile photo to a couple's photos.......and you um......hmmmm......this is awkward....

Me:........*not letting you off the hook*

Some of you: .........I'm's ok to be an individual.....

Me: *makes that hand motion that tells you to keep going*

Some of you: .....and your life isn't meaningless if you're single.......

Me: .*motions*

Some of you: ........and you are not an incomplete person......

Me: *motions* 

Some of you: .......and not everyone needs to be in a relationship.....and that just because my definition of joy does not mean that I have to impose that on everyone.....


Some of you: .....because that's bad.......and insulting......and it's also not realistic........

Me: *smiles and rings a bell. Picks up a small cracker and tosses it to you as a reward*

Some of you:.......can......can I go now........please?

Me: *nods*

Moral: Don't assume I'm not happy. Don't assume I need someone to complete me. Don't assume your happy is mind. Also realize I just shared a glance, not a future, but a glance.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

To the 21 Russian views on Tuesday, December 6th at 8pm.

Um........what happened? 21 times? Without reading a post? And no traffic source? More importantly, why?

Willing to listen on any reason why. So....yea.....what was that about?

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Moment When I Realized I was on My Way Out or Missing Out On the Wave of Mutilation

December 5th, 2016

I read this now with a bit of a chill.
I was planning why way out at this point and I wanted to understand if I left would the world go on. Long answer, yes it would, but not without tearing a few people apart.
I almost wish I was there to let me know that this day would come. That as bad as things are I was not completely insignificant and that my moment to break out was coming.
Then again, I don't think it would have helped either. No, something else had to happen and that's what changed me a few months later. Sadly, something else had to happen. 

A dear friend would have to beat me to the punch and leave me where I would have left everyone else.


I want to say more, but I think I'll just leave this here. That and know that things will get better. And if you think they're not, make noise. Scream, Yell, Do Not Go Willingly, but struggling and putting up a fight. 

That and I love you. Yes, you. You can beat this.

Call 1-800-273-8255

Decemberr 5th, 2012
Shower Epiphany: Death is usually seen as the end and yet sometimes perspective is needed. I was not alive before 1970 and have not taken part in history that goes as far back as the planet forming into a habitable sphere many billions of years. I can be certain that I will not see 2100 and beyond the point when the last form of life expires and the universe either expands into nothingness or retract into an impact not seen since the Big Bang as theories go right now. And yet I have now.
A few days ago I've come to realize that not only are we made of stardust, but in a way we are the manifestation of the universe in the form of life. Something in the making for so long a time that we now have our moment in the universe as the dinosaurs before us and two other extinctions that have lead scientist to question is our strain of life have not originated on another planet such as Mars. So to say that life is rare is greatly understating.
My point is we see death as an end in a limited span of time. And yet, we were not before and we will not be in the future that in truth if we are lucky we will not be remembered when we do expire for this world. This is how special life is. It's a fluke. Death isn't taking us away, but in a way it's correcting an anomaly returning time back to homeostasis. In a way, our time aware now is not only a rarity, but we can only be certain of now. That is how rare and valuable life is.
I am in no way a friend of death, but I'm now understanding that I am not it's enemy as well. My time will come as it has for those I still hold close to me and I have no choice than to go willingly and so in a selfish need I seek a form of immortality. As many have before me. Some left monuments while others left memories wither lovingly molded or scarred into our collective psyche. And yet, I've have found what a selective few have discovered as the true form of immortality. Those who have gained it all have in common not a desire to prolong their life or to avoid the hardships that it brings, but have sought to bring meaning to them. They have in simple terms aged while never becoming old. Those successful enough have left an impression on us that we still hold on to.
And so, today I stop fearing death and instead will one day welcome it as a friend. When my time comes, I will leave willingly. Until then I will be proactive, productive and prosperous. I will be honest to those among me and those I come near. I will not waste a moment to make the memory and I will seek to chase the daylight until it outruns me and welcome the moon with open arms. I will also take the moment and revel in nothingness. Taking moments to sleep in the afternoons with lazy cats as well as laugh while reading frivolous volumes of collected thoughts that have in no way any point to advance my knowledge. I will blow bubbles in my coffee and make funny faces back at small children. I will waste no time in wasting time as long as it was time well wasted.
And so with some resolve, I will try to remember my dead this dreadful month and attempt to embrace my moment in the universe until I must leave. And if lucky I will inspire someone to also revel under their moment in time rather than despise our mutual end or to morn our loss instead of celebrating what time we have.
I shall savor every moment. Even the last one.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Progressive Outlook towards a Historically Dreadful Period of Time or I'm not afraid of December

Today is November 30th.

Tomorrow is December 1st.

I have to say it's been longer than a decade since I've not felt any anxiety towards December. It has been a difficult month for me for many reasons. December is when I discover when people in my life have passed or they do pass on in December. For the past three years, I've gotten horribly sick to the point where I begin to spit up blood and usually rush masked to the doctor for fear of TB kicking up. It's kind of rough being a human bomb, but thankfully each time I do see a doctor, go through X-rays and even spit into the tube, I only discover that it's not my lungs bleeding, but my throat, either because the last cold's cough was extremely rough on it hence the bleeding, or that I actually have some nasty bacteria wrecking havoc there.


I've always eyed December with a dread of what could go wrong. I've always looked at January as some sort of safe haven and as horribly superstitious as it sounds, I focus on the new year as some sort of safe place to prevent me from losing more of my heath or even causing me an early demise. This year alone was difficult sitting in a chair trying to recuperate to the fears of many of you considering that most people judge my well being on the frequency I post on social media, as we agreed almost a decade ago.  Most of you had to be told to stay away for fear of transferring my illness and I have plenty of people, watching me to make sure I was doing nothing but sleeping and eating what I could.

So, yea ....December has always been horribly difficult. And yet, I'm here once more in front of Starbucks, before work writing this, sipping on Guatemalan Dark coffee with nothing more but thoughts and plans for December.  I have weekend plans with friends and looking forward to fixing things that I had to forgo due to lack of funds.  I'm on a long-term plan to make my life a bit easier and even calculating how soon I can write off my debt and even plans to make life easier. There was once a time when I would look at people walking their dogs on a Saturday and wish I had that experience. For the past three years, I've remedied a solution that was as close as possible to that dream and yet I look forward to a phantom dream of waking up on a Saturday at my own place to a happy German Shepard, Rachel....I'd name her Rachel, and maybe even a pot belly piglet, Franky/Frannie Bacon.

I'd laugh at that and know it was not possible. Then again, now with October changing everything, and yes, I must write about it soon and I'm already putting that into words, yet it honestly gave me the only thing I ever wanted: The Opportunity. If there's anything I hate the most it's stagnation. The past 10 years has been a testament to stagnation. I struggled at a snail pace to graduate to the jeers of many not understanding that I was last of a stubborn group of people who refused to leave until college has become completely unaffordable. The fact that it took me that long to graduate instead of succumbing to just negligent policies is more of a boon rather than a hindrance. Above all, I learned to be patient, prepared, and ready.

Yet throughout the years those traits become dull and rusty when continuing to grind at a snail pace. Goals seem prolonged to reach then distant then intangible. What used to be a plan to advance become a battle for principle. Motivation becomes an obligation and ends up into a monotonous drone that numbs you. If anyone wanted to know how long someone can endure this kind of spirit-breaking torture I'd say it took me a decade. Nights of closing your eyes to waking staring up into ceilings pondering why you should get up again can be grating on anything close to determination. And yet everything seemed to hit a peak of disappointment when December approached and hard question would have to be ignored if only to retain on to hope. Yet when you begin to grasp on hope and faith (firm belief in something for which there is no proof) is the only thing you have left, you know you lost and you don't have any more moves. All you can do is wait.

It's the waiting that does you in.

Yet this year is different.

This year I'm in therapy and I was able to confront issues that I had no idea existed. This year I was able to understand what that nagging feeling was when I believed I was lacking something to prevent people for projecting their weaknesses and limitations onto me. I learned to build boundaries where I can take a step back and negate the advances of people who see me as a scapegoat, a hindrance, a simply excuse to place all of their woes upon. I learned to drop was never my "crazy" and to acknowledge what IS mine and to have the confidence to take it head on and challenge it as it once dominated me.  That was October in an abstract. That was the month I took the word of someone who had no interest, wager, or stake in my life, for good or bad, and actually put myself in the crucible. It's where I learn to benefit from my own traits of endurance, stubbornness, patience, and a drive that I am now understanding has been held down for far too long.

I've discovered new things about myself that I never had to see, as if I was always in a constant blur and I was now seeing for the first time. I realize that the world is not out to get me, despite how much I've prepared to defend against such an attack. And if it even does it's pitiful and even almost not worth the effort. I've learned that I am in a new emotional renaissance where I tasted food for the first time. I was seeing colors and shapes that I always used to pass by and finally see them for what they are. My time of dormant mind has reawakened me to a new hedonistic hunger that I can now indulge in rather than be the ingredient to someone else's need. I realize that there really isn't anything left to hold me back but the phantom of what I was defending myself from everything that held me back. Almost as if an over reaction towards an immunity, my own defenses has imprisoned me from anyone's reach and trapped me in solitude.

And yet, the past two months I learned I am almost immortal or at least in relation to everything that has held me back. It's almost freeing how you can now pinch off something as a stray insect from your shoulder that once held you down and made you struggle to continue. How my immediate reaction towards anyone attempting to "pull one over" is a braying of laughter and a hardy, "nope". How hugging my most delicious of friends is actually comforting now rather than empty. And when I leave my most favorite of companions I do not feel the hollowness of losing their embrace and kindness or even feeling how I drew as much happiness for my own from them in order to make a few paces away only to feel the lingering phantoms of such affection. Now I leave with a bursting heart, as if my love was a damned river bursting through and flooding the once parched landscape. I want to go further in my vagabond way, now knowing there is no tether of obligation holding me back, but a need from others that I can or can not oblige.

I finally have choices, options and advantages rather than tightening a belt, pinching a penny that never existed, and a daunting duty to grind my life away.  As I finish this post on December 1st, I can honestly say that that is now over. If life does get difficult, and oh it will get difficult #TheMostGloriousofDumpsterFires, I know that I can endure, move forward and make the lives of others better also. I'm not dreading what will come because I had overcame the greatest of enemies and it was me. In protecting myself I almost killed myself. I mean, I can't begin to explain to you how much of a challenge I was. And yet, once I challaenged the right places I come to realize that I was holding on to what was killing me.

So I let go........just let it go.....


......and that's all it took.

Yea, I'm shocked as you are. And sitting today on Dec. 1st I'm not dreading or fearful or having to be proactive to make certain I'm not alone, out of reach, or lacking in any drive as I sprint towards January, but I am hopeful, safe, and even eager to see what will come my way. I feel nothing can pull me down unless I will it so.

So....yea.....I'm good. I'm ok. I'm more than fine.  For the first time in a long time, I am at peace and ready for what life has in store for me. Even if I hit a set back, I'm not going to lose this. I mean once you face yourself and win, is there nothing you can endure?


Peace and Love.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Now that the masks are off, can we get things going or When Perceived Motives are Negated by Blatant Action

*Sorry, ranted off Facebook, hence the oddness of structure. Didn't realize that it was going to be a full thought. I should really learn by now...*

I find a special schadenfreude seeing ALL the political/social/activity posts that I was once criticized in posting "way too many" of. Most of you now know who Steve Bannon is. And what the nazis like to call themselves to keep people from bullying them by calling them nazis. You guys even question the democrats for errors and assumptions and even look at the white people I used to complain about now that you see where and who they honestly vote for while trying to normalize all the bullshit that BLM, feminists, any people of color or gender/sexuality.

Yea.....remember when I was crazy? Remember when we didn't need a "bridge" because "it just gets young people angry"? Remember how I should soften my tone to not alienate people to may cause because please and thank yous really help people notice your oppression more.

How you CAN separate sexual assault, misogyny, women's right, LGBT+ issues, the struggles of people of color and the working class without talking about politics. How you CAN keep politics and religion out of the conversation especially when the Other side IS using religion and politics. And no matter what, Don't call out the elephant in the room. Just BE polite. Just DON'T mention the people using those things you ignore or still consider fucking taboo in 2016 when they're using it as the spearpoint of their cause. DON'T mention how education is being attacked by these people. AFTER ALL, YOU'RE JUST PUSHING YOUR ATHIEST AGENDA. hate monger......

Yea.....ha ha....yea.....the last part was never said....implied, but never said. Especially since the lable does not fit.

.....well, when you're done please join the rest of us in Damage Control mode because it's going to be a rough 4 years of Trump and we only have two years to plan for the next election.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Random Odd Question about "Friending me"....ewww....why is that a word?

*looks toward you, gentle and kind reader, smiles that odd smile and waves. Walks onto Center Stage and clears throat* wondering just because I've been seeing odd things on the Facebook account that I'm connected with the, are some of you trying to "friend" *recoils at the horrible taste in mouth, now that this is considered proper vernacular*....sorry, well hmmm.....

....well, just to say I'm a bit odd with some....*notices some shaking heads in audience* most.....*most of the heads now nod*.....most social interaction and I am not much on adding people how I haven't seen or met or such. I'm working on it and yes, I'm in therapy......

....yet, I'm willing to add people as long as you know a few things....

  • I'm an ass. Not in the fuck you sort of way but the just for the laughs sort of way. Never cruel or mean, but more puckish
  • I do have the ability to get on people's nerves so, yea....warning ahead of time. 
  • It takes me a while to warm up to people and open up online, but I do do it. So, not saying we're going to be chummy, but we can be social.
  • I don't meet people from online unless I have enough a relationship to feel that they're friends to me. It's my odd quirk. People who have been friends for more than a decade can probably tell you some odd stories. So yea.....just odd like that.
  • Also, I'm an Atheist. Doesn't mean I will beat you over the head with your belief, but I worry about the moments that religion is harmful to the majority of people. Not going to knock down any houses of worship, just make sure that division for church and government is upheld. I do post memes for thought and I'm not one to be preached at. I left religion for a reason. I don't need saving. SO Nope to any of that. 
  • I don't collect people. If we don't interact in the past 6 months I "unfriend" *makes yuck face*. I don't need an ego boost of all the people or that "like and I like back" crap. I will interact with you, but if we don't bye. Also no acting a fool with the people I do know? I mean seriously, just don't.
  • Lastly and most importantly, I'd friend you if you give me an introduction. I get spammed a lot and don't fall for the "this is my other account". So I would like just a message saying, "hey.....hi. I read your crap. I kind of like that crap. Friends? And maybe tie you up in a basement?" HA seriously, don't tie me up in any basement. This is why I'm anti-social! So, yea a message saying hi, and the such and I'll add you. 
Ok.....that's said. Now I can not worry about it and carry on. So....yea, bye.

*waves and walks off stage right*

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Criminally Stupid or Stupidly Criminal or The Masses are ASSES!

Forgive me, beloved.

I haven't been in a writing mood simply because I've said it all or I don't have the time to expand some thoughts. I honestly wanted to write you all about how magnificent October has been to pull me out of my shell, yet with the election that The Most Glorious of Dumpster Fires that is the new coming president-elect administration it seems that everyone only has one thought on their minds:

Trump is honestly backed by the Alt Right, or what I still call and will for now on call them fucking nazis.

Sadly, there is a beautiful sense of Schadenfreude here. I'm not going to out most of you, the people who I do interact with or even speak with at a table with some sort of meal on it and not any loyal reader who has no idea what I say or do. Yet I'll be "kind" with a capital K and a capital IND in saying that most of you have already understood where I'm coming from and what I've seen already from this nation. I'm more than willing to believe that this nation is beautiful and magnificent and what few parts I've traveled in I've met some of the nicest people imaginable. And yet, I have met and found an element that usually puts me in that cold, calculative place that I usually go to when I know things are not right and people are planning or hoping at minimum for the worst for me.

There's a reason why I look this way, good people. I don't usually look this nasty just to invite most to sit with me.  I became this because I was once twink sized at 128 lbs at 5' 10'' and looked as if I walk out of a camp. Not joking. Stress and TB can do that.

But enough of the past.

When I mentioned that there was this sense of Schadenfreude, I mean it from people who honestly called me a bit "extreme" and even "paranoid". Who somehow only saw the beauty of the day and not what can hide in plain sight. What people show you, their choice of words, how they behave with you and how they somehow like to enjoy a sense of superiority that in all case may not be due to them actually being superior. My father taught me that it's good to be with the little people, the ones who do the grunt work and in many ways are not worthy enough to put on a facade for. "Shit people". They not only know how things are, but they can get things done. Often time I've done favors and even mingled with them if only to allow people to assume naturally.

It's sad, really. When people assume. When they believe the worst could not happen. Bad things only happen in places where the newscaster can pronounce and you don't try to. Things can not go bad unless they are already bad. People are not working in their methods to make them bad, not even improve their lives, just make them bad for you. As you have your coffee, start your day, talk about this program or another, that things can not go bad. I mean, why would they.

Now......people are kind of shitting themselves. Not even people who would be called the NPR grouping of White people. I mean people of color, LGBT+ people, Trans people, old and young alike. People are shitting themselves because you now see the elephant in the room. You now see it when I've always ridden it. I hung off it to even allow you an opportunity to question what I was doing or how strange it was. Nope, I was a wacko. I was insane and that was it. There was not boogie man and if there was you should have started asking for money, THEN you'd get the attention! Yet, just informing people to be vigilant to simply BE VIGALENT?

Nah......*pffffffft*.....that's a bunch of bull, my friend.

And then, you start to see if blatantly. You see the people working in the shadows stand out and smile. They smile with appreciation of the work they've done. The long hours while you remain in almost a slumber. The previous generations warned us about fascists. They warned us about how people will use violence, media, and any means to incite anger towards any group not them and use that anger to reach the places of power where smart people than us kept them out. Well, they accomplished it. They reached the places where we imagined they would never be. They did well and now that they are emboldened by their achievement they are not stopping, but even pushing outwards.

Some blamed that we let transgendered us restrooms without harassment. That we won't shut up about getting shot by police. That the "injuns" up in the Dakota's need to stop being so uppity. That we should question the gays and queers and chase them back into their closets and even go in after them. That anyone browner than alabaster should keep their head down and do as they say or else it's back to places where it's not here. That unless you're not Christian you are in the way. All of that. Not just the religious right, but average white people who traditionally have been voting against their interests have tossed in for the "greater good". They might have even voted for Obama, but continue to vote for people who negate their chances of Hope that was promised.

People who have been the target of adding religion to school, dumbing people down, removing rights of women to improve their lives by allowing them control over their reproductive cycles. That whole red blotch of 'Merica that if compared to other maps of obesity, need for education, high religious views, discrimination groups, and even poverty levels you'd see the idea of something almost sinister and very criminal. They often say that you don't need to incarcerate people into building, but if you can make their lives harder and remove their opportunities to go up the socio-economics ladder and THEN blame in this case, "the black guy" and if you worked hard enough on limiting education? we are.

We knew this was coming. Most of us. And yet, most of you ignored it. Education in Texas is just that education IN Texas and not here where I live. Racism in other places happen in RED STATES, not BLUE ONES. It can't happen here in Cali, even though the 90's proved that wrong. It's been over 16 years since the state went blue and we so quickly forget how it wasn't and how people are working on that. Working on what you built to weaken it to change things. Simple maintenance is needed and that can not happen if you are not vigilant.

So my dear, shitless friends, my most beloved. Take a good look now and know when I say we have work to do, I am not saying it to make you feel better. WE HAVE WORK TO DO!

Snap out of it and start reading up. Start contacting your representative and let them know you are listening. Watch the news and demand real news. Watch news from other nations such as Britan and Canada for the contrast. Don't depend on AronRa, Bill Maher, or anyone else you go to for insight, get in with them and do your own homework. We have been lax, some of us, and that cost us magnificently.

We can't all just watch The Most Glorious of Dumpster Fires......

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Ignore, Don't Argue, and Simply Give it a Try or We need you to shut up now, your fears are annoying me

It's been over a week. It's been over a week and people are still trying their best to justify their Trump vote.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to remain silent and offer people the opportunity to justify their choices instead of screaming over them for what is at times blatant to see and at others are hidden in the details. There are moments why someone might change their choice of small things as well as big ones. People have their reasons even if their reason was, "I didn't care about that."

I for one have a sense of duty that most people would consider almost militant but in truth, I have an issue with harming others. I learn this while starting out in University as I wanted to follow the footsteps of counter-terror character that Nick Cage played in The Rock. I had a fascination with all of it, even if it had a lot of Hollywood polish. I wanted to work for the CDC and perhaps WHO in preventing pandemics from ravaging our world. I wanted to disarm bio-chemical weapons and prevent the use of disease as any sort of weapon against humanity. I was young, mind you yet I wanted to use science to defend what I cherished and maybe if lucky jump out of the way of an explosion all action hero like.


ha ha.....yet, I had to answer some serious questions that usually do not get answered until face with them such as, if need be could I take the life of another human being. Could I continue to work among death and misery? Couquarantinenteen the area under threat of death in order for the greater good and to protect the lives of others from said disease? This is where I realized I could not. Even while working to help others learn combative to prevent rape and harm to themselves and their loved ones, I had to not only ask them those hard questions, but answer my own. I had to see if I had what was within me to allow or commit lethal harm on to another person even if they threatened me with it. I realized that I could not. I could not take a person's gun that was just recently aimed at me with threat of lethal harm and shoot them with it. Even to wound. The human body is a delicate structure and even the harmless actions we assume could lead to drastic injuries that would lead to death. I could not do that.

I realized that I could disarm them, remove the clip, pop out the remaining bullet in the chamber and convert it into a hammer where I could inflict nonlethal, yet painful damage towards the person, yet this amounts to more work on my part with a great chance that I might fail and it still cost my life. It's more work to be a pacifist. It's more work to subdue and submit someone without harming them. It may just be an extra step, or even simply not cutting to the bone and shooting them in the head, but it's work all together. It's effort to show greater compassion and prevent someone's harm even if they have already committed to your harm or even to theirs.

Yet, I chose that. And I can sleep well at night.

People make lesser choices that affect others and yet.....well perhaps it's because they don't know anyone that it affects or even care to? If you buy Apple they will treat their workers who they lease out work to who build their products with less than fair treatment of anyone here in the US. We're not even speaking about a living wage. Just treatment that is humane. A pasta CEO speaks out says queers are icky and don't eat my pasta you icky queers because that's for families, not for you icky queers. A southern chicken sandwich chain says the same thing with a chacki store for people who make things and they say, "ewww......icky queers" as they use their own money to affect the well-being of others just blanketed as "icky queers" via lobbying and election financing. Some people hear this and say, "YEP" and even go the extra step in supporting them. Others say, "OH HELL, NAH" and they boycott, educate and make bad media for them.

But there are people who just go about with no opinion and the comfort of not being the target. They need something and they will get it by whoever offers it even if it promotes something that most consider harmful to others. They made a choice. It's a silent one, but a choice none the less. They are not bothered and choose to side financially with the ones who want to limit the liberty of others. I mean, they have a life to live. They have to make ends meet. They need their "ewwww...queers" pasta to feed their family and go on with the day. They can't be bothered, they have little league or other pressing engagements. Their choice is simply to not consider it. They choose to blatantly remain ignorant or to simply state with their actions it's not important to them.

And yet, this election was much simpler yet it was at the same time life changing. They choose Trump for their issues. Don't believe? I'll share an excerpt from a friend questioning their acquaintance with their choice to vote for them.

I don't mind sharing why I supported Trump, I just don't want to argue about it. I think Obamacare is hurting the average American instead of helping. I also think it is ruining the health insurance industry. I do not like our current foreign policy and I think it is causing a great deal of instability in the world. I think there is too much corruption on both sides in Washington and I thought it was very important to send an anti-establishment message to Washington. Our economy is struggling and Trump in my opinion is a better candidate to fix it. This article by Elizabeth Warren is really good to help understand.

At which they post an article that they believe supports their justification. Mind you this would perhaps cause one to reflect and even take in the account to realize that this is a very good opinion if you blatantly ignore that the candidate, the now new President Elect, ran on a platform for xenophobia, racism, antisemitism, and blatant misogyny while aligning himself to numerous elements that previously would have caused any other candidate to bow out any election. Not only that, but he did not offer any plan to change the situation that her complaint comes from outside of repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, deport illegals and anyone associated to the illegals, and prevent a religious group from entering the nation legally and to improve the tracking of those who are here legally in order to prevent any act of terrorism. All the while, slut shaming people, going on tirades on social media at the early hours of the day, promoting violence at his rallies and a call to that Old Time that Clint Eastwood missed. He threatened to imprison his political rival, commit blatant war crimes and insult women who dared to even question his stance as a form of employment.

He offered no financial plan. No replacement to healthcare or how he would return labor jobs that sadly are in the twilight of their use. He had made opinions, changed his mind numerous times as the wind blows, insulted all those who he considered lesser in the primary race and even called to question their importance. He has no experience in military, politics, even a historical background. His predecessor was a constitutional professor of law and has held office as a senator.  His political rival was not only a lawyer, but she has held political positions from senator to Secretary of State and yet, she's not in any way equivalent.

It honestly makes me question on what people are willing to tolerate. Sure he's racist and his policies will limit the freedoms of people of color, women, non-cis gendered, people who believe differently than a tolerable form of Christianity, or any variation of these and many more variants, but boy is he going to improve our economy by removing what the previous president has done. There was no need for the policies he had implemented outside of just wanting to increase debt, but it's going away. This man is fiscal and a businessman despite how he has no plan to pay for mass deportation and constructing a physical wall. He successful just like he said and anything that may show different is wrong. They investigated his political rival over hidden emails, any failure to save the lives of people in the embassy or if she had any tangible form of evidence to discredit her. He has been shown to change policy, have conflict over any national policy and his financial benefit, and have taken part in several lawsuits and investigations in which he had cheated several people from their livelihood or savings.

It's fine to say that Hillary is criminal and yet without tangible, evidence one has to question your motives and procedures. To assume that Tump is intangible in the face of surmounting evidence that this man on many levels is not trustworthy due to his associations, behavior towards anyone not in his chosen demographic, past actions, present actions, inciting and condoning violence on his part and his endorsement of people who are white supremacists.

But he will be good for America and our economy. Hitler promised every woman will have a husband. Mussolini made sure the trains ran on time. Trump will improve the economy, bring back the jobs that had left, and will make everything better. How exactly? 5 point plan? Ross Perot bought tv time to present his third part run. Trump? DO we actually know?

It's going to be huge? We are all going to tire of winning? All? Well, those not targeted of course.

I've heard people say that the Democratic party had abandoned the poor white for the benefit of Transpeople. We're all politically correct and "mansplaning" just alienated poor white men. Millennials are just too soft and need their safe spaces. Racism was ended years ago when Obama was voted so we're cool. Black lives and even Luke Cage just annoyed these people who voted Trump. So they shoot criminals. So what? In truth, it's your fault. Mine. Anyone who just won't give it a chance.

Just give it a may cost you, but give it a chance. He might just make things better. He might just improve everything, you just have to believe. I mean, at best you have nothing to worry about. It's going to be great much like collecting inedible ingredients in order to make an amazing meal for all to partake. You might be wrong. Don't simply judge the parts and the connotations made blatantly. We might just be surprised. We may simply be amazed....just believe, I mean you have nothing to lose.

Unless you do. And you are terrified. If only because a large amount of people simply declared that they don't really care about your safety if it will fuel the economy and improve their livelihood.

I make the joke now of allowing this element to "America" since they assume that we are doing it wrong. Obama has been in error and Trump will fix it all. People are nervous at his lack of experience or even going through the proper paces to simply make the change of administration easier. There are whispers of infighting. There are shady people allowed positions of power that the majority of people can see that this is not a good thing. But no, trust in the change and simply don't argue.

Just don't.

Fine. I've been here. I'm used to being a target and pulling others together to survive the worst of situations. Perhaps one day we'd only laugh at our worries. Maybe I will cheer the work of Trump and how great he was. Maybe it will unite the nation. Other side of the coin, maybe we'll have to fight in the streets. Perhaps we'll have to take arms and live in bunkers and worry when Trump will take our guns and everything is a false flag.

Either way, it's going to be the most glorious of dumpster fires.

I hope I eat my words. I honestly hope we are over reacting if only to not argue.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Shower Epiphany- The Solitude of a World yet Sleeping

There is a sadness in being up so early. I've been here many times, many moments and many lives. I've awoken to darkness only to stare out into a rising sun and almost questioning its work ethic, demand reason why it took so long to catch up. It's a stark difference to waking late. The world seems to have left you behind in its pace as you attempt to comprehend what had passed in your slumber and what time you have left to interact with the World.

I've existed in both in many places in my timeline. I've walked the streets in the dead of night and the dead of morning. Many can not tell the difference, but I can all too well. The dead of morning has a Xmas day sort of vibe when in the right neighborhood you too can relive your Twilight Zone fantasies of running down vacant streets screaming "WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?!" Or at least until someone opens a window and imagines that you are trying to relive that one scene in any variant of the Scrooge tale, fat goose included. In the dead of night there is a feeling that the world has ended, but more in an apocalyptic sense where the only humans you'd encounter are almost zombie or do not recognize you as kind. It's almost when you're driving through a destination at night and you stop in the middle of nowhere in many places in this nation, and if you're lucky they won't lynch you for your creamy coffee latte skin, where even if you do interact with humanity, or for what passes for it, it usually treats you as alien as much as you treat it.

And yet, I've spent these mornings, even now as I do not have any particular place to go outside of making hard phone calls and attempting to pull myself out of my past once more in hopes for a future, where as different as it all is there are similar factors that I can find comfort in. I'm usually in the darkest room in silence so loud that it seems to suffocate the outside world. If lucky a bird attempts to disrupt such an oppressive quiet in order to pull life back into the world, even if it's to have it ignore it for its song. I'm holding a mug of sorts, they change with time and place, but a mug all the certain. Even now I as I sip bitter black coffee when I could have sweet and delicate. My face is greeted by a cold morning, not midwest cold, but cold just the same before the radiance of sunlight touches and wakes all with heat and promise. I am alone with my thoughts. Some I continue to have, others I fear I may never contemplate and some I only hope never to entertain again. I stare out into the cold day as it shines off into a distance until the heat touches me once more and I mutter my accusations to the gas giant as if demonstrating some arrogant superiority.

And yes, there was a time when I took it seriously.

With as many similarities of each moment, there are different scenes, places, and times. There was a time where a blue-haired vision would walk over to me and wrap a warm arm calling me to bed, just a bit longer. Others I'm having a French breakfast of bitter coffee once again, this time joined by a cig and a croissant. In another life, I wore fatigues and strapped on my medic bag, knowing that I need supplies, but coffee was best now and I can lose myself in it. Another I walk the dead streets with confusion, loss, and bitter brew in hand trying how once again rebuild my existence. One I'm running through paces and maneuvers for the horrors to come and others I'm simply emerging from an empty bed in solitude and savoring a melancholy existence that most would find heartbreaking and I comfort.

I've lived many lives and had been many people. And yet, they are all me. If I did not live the worst moments I could not become the kind, loving, fatherly person you love me as today. The scars on my person and persona made me what I am. There was a time when I could not comprehend this and my death by my hand was my only solution to a mind muddled with attempting to make sense of horror past. It almost killed me, yet it only made me pensive, sweet, kind, and almost sensually and delicately precise. It has given me mastery of pain and the ability to soothe those who needs comfort. The only benefit I can gather from living through hell is that I can now be for others the person I needed most when I cried out into a cold night for someone, anyone who'd come for me. Now I comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.

So I await the rising of the Sun. I await for those of you to pull yourself from slumber, never knowing I stand on the Imaginary wall between you and what ails you. I wait for the world to rub the sleep out its eyes and begin so that I may enter it once more and be part of it. I try to pass enough as human before I leave it once more, usually at an hour most are raging against their sleep and fatigue and I lay myself to be still and silent once more. I leave you nightly to your interactions with each other to wake once more in dark solitude and a cold morning where my early companion is the rising Sun.

Some days I wonder if I can pass on one day without my story being told. Others I think its best for it to join me in the grave. Mystery often times allows you a greater legend. At this point, that's all that I am: Legend. People would not like to know who I am as I seek quiet corners and silent passings of time. I put on a show when able and seek isolation when needed. I do not know my end nor would I ask to. I simply marvel much like today that I could probably rival Bowie with reinventions of self. Funny thing is, I never thought of myself as worth much.

Not saying I'm wrong now, yet.....yet......*sighs and nods, takes sip from bitter coffee*.....I can say I walk with greats and radiate magnificence even if I only reflect it from others much greater than I will ever be, much as the Moon reflect the Sun's light.

I'm not special in any way.

Yet....*smiles and sighs* ,,,,,,I can't believe that I'm here, what I do, and how I helped make things better, even when everything looks dismal and lost.

Peace and Love

Be good to each other.

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Merriment of Progeny who's Levity Rivals only your Own Despite of Communal and Unrelated Trauma or A moment with The Girl

I'm sitting inside of a tight counter restaurant with my daughter known for Southern food in NoHo. This is a bit of a surprise considering that I was told to expect the most amazing seafood. It's a shruggable moment considering my daughter is a bit of a flake that's been chipped off of the big flake that is yours truly. I adore her immensely and she's one of the rays of light in my life. And at this moment in this very claustrophobic counter space that almost resembles half a train car, she 's chatting up our very attentive server. A gorgeous woman with bright brown eyes and the skin of rich obsidian with a hint of a Caribbean accent that brings out much more of her charm.

I'm a bit annoyed considering I haven't seen my daughter in a few months and she all of a sudden said she wanted to meet me for a Sunday meal. I've figured that the time away was due to her work schedule and perhaps meeting a certain someone who makes them feel special even at a time like this. Although her sexuality does give me a bit of a headache only in categorizing who she prefers and who'd she'd be intimate, but that's more of a pet peeve of mine when it comes to categorization and imaginary Ven Diagrams. Either way, I'm watching her interact with this woman wondering if she sparked her fancy and that either she's just very interested in our conversation or it was simply being in close quarters and just passing the time with a bit of a chat.

Yea, I can't read the situation or I'm just trying to negate it. Yea, she's really interested in our relationship and I'm used to being considered a perv on sight considering my daughter has my side of the family's dominant genes that make her this magnificent goddess of form, to say the least. I've overheard many a jerk call her out on the proportions of her body and  in many ways tried to have her embrace her form rather than have an almost destructive puritanical mindset of an army of dicks surging her. We both know it's true and she's more than capable to handling herself against any criticism and rude gesture. It's simply the shock of it all considering that I at times am amazed at how small she used to be and that her giggles used to be the motivation of my life.  I adore her and even now she makes me proud as any person can be for their progeny.

And yet, we have our issues and problems and much soon after we leave the restaurant to find a smaller venue in shade, to hear why she had been missing from my life once more and how we should continue to keep in touch regardless of how hard life can get. The word that I'd rather not mention her get floated around and I hear her tale of difficulty not understanding the value of true friends who run towards you when you begin to stumble and fall. And how our pasts, both filled with turmoil, trauma, and difficulty have taken a cost in our lives that we are beginning to comprehend and gather understanding on what we can do as individuals and as family.

I remind her that although I am her father and I know more and have an abundance of experience, she is the captain of her own vessel and there is a great chance I may not understand her situation. She has ultimate veto. She has the ability to take taking or disregarding my advice as she see fit, and I remind her that we are equals now and that she has a voice that she must exercise with me and others in order to set boundaries and guides for relationships. I know she's a "big girl" and "daddy" won't be there to pick her up at times, but she can come see me for council and I will always be in her corner despite anything outside of murder and how to eat sushi. We laugh and she learned hard lessons that I realized came at a great cost. I was not there to come to her aid because I was seen as father, a title that harms me in this moment, rather than friend. Thankfully her own circle of magnificent individuals came to her aid and showed her the value of a true friend.

I stifled my emotion because I wanted to weep because of what trespassed and I wanted to be there. And yet, I more than understand. Sometimes we do not seek the comfort of those who will pull us up and we hide ourselves in our pain and misery. I'm thankful for these people who did what I would do and she snapped out of her self-delusion that mistrust and pain can put us in. I offered my place in her life, not as one to pass judgment, but as an outsider. I mention how in truth I could not raise her considering her and her brother were taken to Ohio and places unknown by her mother. A satellite parent is only viable if they are able to keep communication. Sadly, that was the first thing to be lost and in the matter for 4 or so years, I've heard stories that confirmed my fears, caused me much heartbreak, and have caused me to burn in impotent rage at what came about by "well-meaning individuals" who believe that their words is beyond law and the cost was grave.

The worst thing about trauma is that it's much like a hand grenade. It does damage and even if some die, some are affected permanently, other can recover and some even were out fo the blast, that trauma took a price from each of those people in the room where none of them were free of harm and without help that moment will dictate the horrors to come. We all started therapy roughly at the same time. We all tried to deal with that grenade and what it took from each of us and what it took from others and how do we move on.

Even now I can not help to think that some 4 years ago I was determined to end my life. I still can see the pain and hurt I was enduring with no exit, held back from pleading for help by social constructs that murder us all in the end. My sole choice was to end it reasonable until someone dear to me had beat me to the punch. And even then I witnessed how my friend took his life weeks before me and the only thought in my head was anger towards him ruining my exit.

And then, I broke. I started to realize that silence was what people knew best from these people. Not their pain, but silence. So not wanted to leave in the same way I broke the last band I had on me and I spoke out. I want to die. I am not well. I have endured my lot and I can not go one to see tomorrow. It scared many and I didn't care. I wanted them to know why I was leaving and why I was going to commit a "sin" towards everyone. To leave them with my horror, not stifling it with the end of my life.

That's the fucked up part, you don't end it, just you. You end your endurance, but pass on the burden and hell of the moment.

I still think of those days. Even now as I am so far from it, I can almost feel the lingering grasp of those desperate and hurtful moments. It's a part of me. It's still with me and I know if I do not remain diligent and honest, I will allow it to take me. Even now how October changed everything and November has proved difficult for years to come, I know I can endure more and that I don't have to. My outsider has told me to embrace my huge circle of friends not as someone who'd protect them, but as someone who need comfort and to be healed. I let myself be weak, even though it's my greatest bane. I can not allow myself to.

And yet, that only lead towards my death.

So I did. I challenged myself and pushed myself and I gained greatly.

I'm happy I did not take my life and for those in my life, who work often as outsiders who pull me out of the vicious cycle my mind can create and heal me with the closest of embraces and a whisper of, "You are ok, I have you."

Even now, I wonder what could have been if I only tried to do what I could not back then. I knew I could not, but now I look back at it as meaningless. Time wasted.

I return you now moments before our leaving the tiny restaurant with hot grill and the magnificent figure of womanhood my daughter was talking up. At our leaving all I could endure was to wonder why I felt so awkward and odd. And yet, I wanted out of the small space and odd air, My daughter asked for this woman's number.


Well for Dad, especially considering she was apparently flirting with me and I ignore it simply because I was with her and wanted to hear so much from her. Sorry, I was in Dad mode and I'm focused only on my kid. There was a time when, as I reflect that my daughter had always turned away any attention given to me by women, announcing that I was radiantly gay and happy with my out behaviour and lifestyle. She did this because she didn't want her father to find anyone else. She wanted this because she kept hope for her parents reuniting. She did this because this was something she could do. Many times I'd laugh, only being social to ensure that both my children receive as many sprinkles on their ice cream as possible that a beaming smile can receive. And yet, I was always "outed" to teachers, parents, women simply asking, or anyone not male asking me for the time of day. She even told one man that I was straight when he asked if it was true that I was out.

My daughter. And now she's getting her number. For dad.

I daughter has inherited my taste for chaos, mirth, and shenanigans.

I can not be more proud of her.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Transforming a Stumble to a Running Start or Get Off Your Asses and Get Back to Work!

Tried to write. 

I got nothing. Not only because I have nothing to say because I said it, but because I have nothing at the moment. I am at a loss of anything creative. I'm in Damage Control mode.

I'm busy thinking, questioning, listening and trying to take it all in so that we can make a plan rather than blame one group, unfounded fears, or just moving in the wrong direction. 

I don't have much to express. I'm a bit lost at least in my head. They say there were two types of Samurai. The one who mastered combat on the battlefield and were drenched in the blood of war and the other who studied Zen, wrote poetry, practice methods of combat, refining what they know and trying to understand the working of politics. 

The change from Jitsu to Do. The change from Action to Practice. The killing to sparring. The change from War to Peace.

Well, I'm not very poetic at the moment. I'm not in the mood to project thought to reach, inspire, and cause reflection. I'm not that person anymore. I'm not the one who can relax. I'm not the one to be positive, optimistic, or nieve. 

Life has already beat that shit out of me.

I'm being proactive. I'm rallying moral. I'm reaching out to those from losing hope. I'm speaking with Kids who will vote in two and four years for the next set of elections. I'm demanding people who are busy bitching into becoming diligent, not lethargic. Reminding people that politics is not a chachki that you can just set and forget, but something you have to diligently monitor and speak out constantly. Just because you like Bernie doesn't mean you can let him handle it. You have to keep in contact with the people you sent. 

I'm not interested in poetry. I'm not going to paint. I'm not going to write wax philosophically. This is not the time to lay down and give up but to start mobilizing and minimize the damage.

This is not the time we give up. We must remember the train wreck of the Electorial College and know when we have the upper hand we must change it. There are not only better systems of voting, but they've been modified to prevent such disasters such as our. And much realize if the table were turned people would be speaking up for the Electorial College. Damn it, it cost democratic two elections in 20 years! Get on that shit!

Vote for people who we want. You love Bernie? Why? What was it? Can we multiply that? Can we speak louder? A third party isn't needed in presidential elections, but smaller ones to grow the base. You can't just jump into it, but foster it and grow it from the grassroots. 

We have two years!

I'm going to hold you, us, all of us to that. We have two years to change things and we need to step up our game. It's easy to blame, but damn it we must not. We must analyze and keep planning our next step. IF we win, we plan our next step. IF we lose, we plan our next step. IF things go well, we plan our next step. IF we won and have nothing else to do, we plan our next step. This isn't fucking Disney. There are no happy endings you did not work towards. Even with our work we will fail. That means we push harder until there is no chance to defeat and we push harder until we always win and then we push harder until it's a humiliation and WE REMAIN DILIGENT!

Fucking hell, people. Wake the fuck up, take responsibility and let's get to work.

We have two years and I don't know if that's enough time.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

11/9 or the morning after...I'm not in the mood to make puckish titles.

I woke up around midnight to the sound of helicopters. 

Considering that I have to now adult and get up at 5 am to hit my commute as many of you know I must got to sleep by 9 to be functional. Yet, I was awaken by helicopters and also a realized need for patience. Returning from the bathroom I woke up my laptop and silenced the youtube rain vid that I use to sleep and calculate my time asleep. Insomnia can creep up on me at any point and I more than know I need to be diligent no matter what. 

Always diligent. 

It almost felt as a roar from the outside as if everyone in Lynwood was reacting as I opened up my browser and was notified immediately that Trump won. On a distant tv, I heard him walk over to a podium and announce to the world how this moment has come, we must all unite, and we must bury all hatchets. He offered words of reconciliation and of moving on as people cheered. 

Meanwhile, media exploded.

*coughs from nervous reflex*

Burners cheered and blamed the DNC. Anyone not cis recoiled into the fear, shock, and awe of the moment as many of their loved ones announced that Trump is a good thing and they are happy they voted for him and they'll see, it will be all right. One friend responded by asking, "You voted against my rights?"

You can almost feel the heartbreak in her words. 

I was too busy. I was already there. Already prepared.

welcome back

I continued and prepared. In fact, I've been preparing since before Trump mentioned his bid to run. 

I continued on as my messenger exploded with so many people wondering. So many of them fearful and anxious, trying to get hold of what was going on. What can they do? Some already declaring that they were done with this nation who shows no love for them and only the back of their hand. Others pleading with me, pleading as if I can do something, anything to make this right. 

I haven't heard from my children yet, but I'm guessing they're already prepared for this. They have my eyes. Cold, dead eyes of something that most people have not experienced and have not seen. A knowing that hell exists and it is tangible and it comes from the hand of man using scapegoats to avoid responsibility. I'll hear from them soon, but we are already working. On it. We move while most remain stunned.

Always on, you're always on.....that was our agreement, no?

My motions were automatic, yet there was a new system involved: a body clock telling me I have a half hour at best and then I must sleep. I have to adult, I have to get legit, I have to at least go through the motions to redeem what many believe is my potential and path. I notice the clock and agree and continue to read, look up, and by the end of it all, I know enough. I know what I can do now, what needs to be done soon, what needs to be completed continually. 

I don't pray. I've seen too much. I don't scream, I've done too much. I don't plead, I experienced enough. I don't hide or cry, I know it won't make things better. I move while returning to where I once belonged. Where I live now. Where I am the best at what I do best.

You see me.

I take note who needs the most support and tell them I love them. they need to hear that. Many are close to falling apart. Their chances to be normal almost being released by their own will rather than having them tugged at. I tell them I love them, as I tell them now, as I tell you. 

I love you and we will get through this. I will be on the Front with you in mind. I refuse to go easy and I will fight for our lives. I will not let them win reluctantly. If need so I will make their win bitter. We will get through and we will fight.

I try to believe my words. I try. 

I see you. 

I say try because I have to put in work. X always said you have to put in work and you have to put it in now. DMX of course, not the cult. You have to put in work. When we hope for the best it's because we hope we don't have to get our hands dirty and work. We hope we don't have to. We almost plead with this concept of humanity that allows us to continue on. This spirit of kindness and greater good in which afterschool specials are made of. 

Don't be a bitch, get to work.

I write this now with time in mind. I have to adult. October has been kind and magnificent to me. I've accomplished much. I pulled myself out of any safe space to challenge myself to reach out to you, to humanity instead of prepping for continual Damage Control. I've lived in this state since the 90's. It's my second nature. It keeps me on my toes, looking over my shoulder, always sleeping light for that hard knock on the door. 

We see together, outside and on the same side, where you belong. 

I'm used to Damage Control. I lived through Pete Wilson. I lived through Reagan. I lived through W and regressed so much because so many of you were not prepared. I have no choice. I have had a target on me since I realized I was never included. I had decades of enduring. I've scars that I'd never explain and memories that only a bottle can numb. I'm going to therapy and I'm trying to live, not survive and that in short only makes me want to work more.

I've come too far to stop now. And if I have to drag you bastards to protests, I will. If I have to lecture you to be vigilant, I will. If I have a few more scars by the end of this my only option is to hope they mean something from them, but reactive, but proactive. I'm not going to remind you of what is in risk, who is endangering it, and what we are fighting for. 

You should now that by now. That and no one will care if you give it up. They'll take it from you regardless. You either fight for what you love or you give it up and live with that. Either way, we will live with our actions, as I've been stating before I will rather live with the ones with me on the Front rather than standing by or hiding. 

Fuck that.

I've already paid my price. 

Yes, yes you have.

I ask you to put in work so that you don't have to pay yours. 

I'll see you on the front. We will not go quietly.

Peace and Love
Continue to be good to each other. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Eve....not knowing


Going to bed with Trump way ahead. So....yea.....

I have work tomorrow. I'm afraid what I'll wake up to. 

Even if Hillary wins, the fact we had to come to this point where Trump was ever taken seriously....The hate monger who was supported by hatemongers, the alleged rapist, the guy who thinks we're worse off. The guy who brought violence to the forefront.

I go to sleep broken. 

Tomorrow is another day. I'll survive this as always, but hell just when we were getting things nice.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Understanding the Biological and Physchological Remifications of Therapy with Consideration to After-Effect Deviant Sexual Arousal or Everything about my own lust that I was afraid to admit and even recognize

*sits silently and tries to find a way to cut to the bone and get to the point while sipping creamy java. Take a deep breath and breathes it out*

Ok....follow me a bit, because this is kind of hard to speak about for me and it's even worse considering all the innuendos and double entendres. I'm going to be an adult and those of you who know me well know that I'm not one to act like an adult so...yea.....this is...har......difficult. This is difficult for me. 

*deep breath*

There among us are certain people who you can't help to be extremely comfortable with. These are the individuals who for the lack of ceremony and pompous tactfulness for its own sake make you as comfortable. You right now have friends who you will speak to at times of difficulty and others who you simply want to enjoy their time with. There are friends who have seen you at your worse, moments when you wish time was reversible and you could have done something to change it all. They are the ones who find you, pull you up by your love, as Cindi would say, and hold all the broken pieces inside of you until you feel that there is a bit of reality left in your life. We might even ignore people who are trying to help us as our legs tremble under us as we try to take on another onslaught alone. They embrace us, becoming our new spine and whisper in our ears that we are fools to do it alone and that they do care and they will not let us go. 

I love these people and for a better understanding, they are important to me in more ways than I can say at the moment. I will sing their praises and exclaim how their love and time, including 9 months of Crazy Doc, allowed me to do the most difficult of things imaginable to me: Depend on another person. I can rant all day on this and I won't since this is not the topic set to mind. I want to speak about something a bit more......personal to me.....

*takes another deep breath*

I have this friend that I love immensely. I can not begin to say how much I love them. I adore every bit of her and meeting her has greatly helped me in many ways. This person is so amazing to me that she not only embrace my brand of insanity and mirth, but she revels in it. I do have friends who dip into my insanity and many do even submerge themselves in it, yet there are those who choose to take a soak into something they plan to get out of once their time of enjoyment is over, much like a hot tub, and others strip themselves of all restraints and clothing for that matter and jump in fully. 

These individuals who I have been so lucky in my time to find not only one, but a whole line of time to time. Sadly, many if lucky find them and drop instantly to knee and offer their lives to these people. I instead give freely and take freely and see no need to restraints. It frees us to find others who best will fit our lives in those moments, leaving each other in special categories that almost transcend family bonds and not so quite as intimate as lovers. It's almost like finding yourself in a crowd and realizing that they are your missing piece and you hold up your own odd piece that never fit you, but fit them so perfectly.

So I mention all of this because I know some of you will find insult to what I'm going to say or that you also will are willing to sit with me on these difficult moments. Mind you, I did not share with you either because I'M not comfortable, nothing to do with you, but a limiting factor in my own mind where I need outsiders to freely cast judgment and tear apart any part of my thoughts that is incorrect and I will allow it. My ability to make so many changes were not hindered because I didn't have you to help me, but for the fact that I didn't trust you to help me for fear of somehow tainting you with my burden and madness. I had to find an outsider to tell me what many of you have said and even screamed and lecture me on. So I hope you understand. It's not that you are not valuable to me, but that I could not trust myself to accept your assistance. I'm working on it. I'm in therapy. 

Yet, this individual is an outsider. I trust her with this because in my head it can not affect her. You'll see in a minute. 

I've spent the whole day with them last week and not only did she make me comfortable in approaching her about this, but she almost made it enjoyable and ok. It was as easy as it ever was going to be to mention this to another person even before I mention this new can of worms to the Crazy Doc and I haven't either because there were bigger fish to fry (remember October was HUGE for me) or I somehow kind of denied it until I've seen enough evidence that this IS an issue with me. I simply floated it to her since in a matter of going to have a meal I was asked about the health of my prostate, told to stay back since they farted and were rancid, our favorite sexual innuendos when referring to food, and how we both deal when someone BLATANTLY hits on us (She "Pretty Girl" it and assumes everyone is as nice and kind as she is while I immediately deny that it's happening and even help them realize that they're making a great mistake)

And while driving back, it hit me.......a rush of endorphins hit me, not in the adrenaline sort of way where I'm going to have to vault over, punch or throw something, but in a lustful sort of urge. Some of you have seen me have these lately. It's unnerving and even a bit scary to me. I get quiet, a memory usually comes up, I smile and my heart races, and worse of all I get that stupid feeling....the one where I am more than willing to do something stupid, not for the fun of it or to make others laugh at the moment, but a needy, carnal sort of feeling. 

I'll be honest, I've never had these. Ever. 

But you say, "Auggie, you Magnificent Beast and Specimen of Grandeur and Awe, you have an almost vast sexual background. You have been part of situations that many would not only envy, but simply one would be a cherry on top of the sundae that is their existence! What you have not participated in is either inhumane, illegal, or the last abomination unto our Lord!"

To which I have to stare at you and kind of nod my head, almost reluctantly. True, my first kiss was at 6 and my first kiss with a girl was at 13. I was married at 16, divorced at 21, and basically experienced hedonism until my late 20's. I've been several roles and even remembered a few. I have more stories of "Oh Shit, NO" than most people. That and I always adhere to rule of "Nothing before Previous Discussion" and I have to say I'm pretty much accommodating to anyone who I'm intimate with. 

That said, at least more than half of the "interesting stuff" was surprised on me, often time while in restraints. It's the reason why I despise Cosmo and not having a discussion. I've have been in many parts an unwilling participant in a lot of this. Other times, I now realize that my lack of boundaries has been used by individuals who were more than willing to make me into a "plaything". Some of it.....I kind of still repress just for the fact that there was no trust. There was no consideration for me. It's something I'm still trying to come to terms with. It's part being in a cult that has an almost extreme puritanical view of sex that is immensely harmful. Another is the fact that sometimes I trust people to be what they say they are and before I know it the conditions and terms changed. 

Then there was the last time.....that.....that was painful. That fucking broke me. That just was the last coffin nail to just deaden me inside. The entire 9 months of work with Crazy Doc is basically trying to reach what I boxed in inside. To do so, I needed to learn what boundaries are and to create them. Most importantly it's a method of learning to trust again. I honestly don't trust. I don't trust anyone even if they are beyond worthy. I don't put that trust in them because I had trusted many and they took advantage of that for their own purpose. It's the kind of thing that I end up questioning how someone could do such a thing while trying to ignore the obvious answer of "because they wanted this". 

It still fucks with me. That someone would use me. Not the USE part, but the idea that one WOULD CHOOSE TO. I mean, I don't sleep well at night if I was short with anyone or if I gave them the idea that I was anything but kind and happy with them. It still fucks with me that people would treat others that way. If it is anyone else, I will get furious and want to slam people through walls. If it's's....a shock.....I mean...why me? What have I done to you? How do you know I would not have helped you willingly if asked?

*deep breath*

So, yea. I have trust issues. I've always had them. I've always repressed feelings and the such. I've embraced going numb the past 10 years and even working myself into a smaller and smaller box away from even those who I care about for fear of harming them and worst fear of them harming me. I can deal with the shit of the world, I just can't deal with the malice of those closest to me. Even the concept of sharing a bed with someone who has the potential of tearing me apart frightens me. It's why I watch couples, regardless of what they look like, gender, socio-economic background. They have something in which I have either broken in me or simply missing. I can not get around that anymore. It does fuck with me. 

Ok....enough background. This is not my topic.....and I should not try to get away from it. 

So, yea.....I've confided in my delicious friend what I've been recently been dealing with. That out of fucking nowhere I get these....lustful moments. These waves of arousal that just "takes me hostage", as a friend might say. It could be a memory of a moment, a woman walking by, an ad, just anything that reminds me that I have been celibate for almost a decade. And somehow I don't have the ability to shut is off, down, or out. It takes me and I have to use every bit of my will to just not focus on it. I'm not talking about personal moments or behind closed doors. Kind of difficult when shopping for potatoes in a busy market. Two days ago, it was a woman's vanilla perfume in the elevator. It was difficult to focus and to say enough, difficult to walk. 

Is this puberty? I don't think I've ever had these puberty moments. I mean, is any of this normal? I'm not talking about grabbing people or being blinded by lust, but just the "all systems go" command that has me realize that even though time has passed that my equipment is beyond ready, willing, and able to rise to the occasion. No, seriously. This is awkward when walking in exercise clothes, but business casual? 

I've never had those moments when you just had an erection "just because" as a teen. Then again, I was sexually active at 15 and I don't think I've ever wasted one. Now....yea....I'd have to say that my celibacy is on shaky grounds. 

"Well then, Auggie, you viral and conditioned stallion, why don't you take all that pent-up vitality and start having sex!", you declare quite loudly enough to frighten children and swoon the more delicate of individuals. Yea......about that. Not only do I have reservations about just being active for its own sake, but I have this odd quirk that no one would believe me in having. As much as I would love to "cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war", I just can't have anonymous sex. Like as in physically can't. As in, I don't work that way. Oddly enough, after much reflection, I've come to realize that the moments that I have intercourse I'm either taking things slow, after the initial conversation of what is and isn't allowed and such, where it's ......*needs a moment*.....fucking capital.....I'm trying to expand my vocabulary here so that my blood flow continues to go in the right direction, since I've more than understand that writing with lust very much hinders the thought process I need to make sense......

*deep breath* ....ok....

And the other situation has been when the conditions have changed. These are the moments when I'm hanging out with women (yea, sorry. Still CIS here. My first kiss might have been stolen by a boy, but it didn't do a thing for me...why yes, I'm a one on the Kinsey scale) and we're "friends" on a couch, watching tv usually or laughing with a drink and somehow things blank out for a second. One moment I'm watching Battlestar Galactica and the next I'm in an odd place....what changed....wait...what's this's happening....that was my shirt....what's happening again....huh....wait what......oh...OH....OH! Wait....are we still friends?

So....yea.....that happens. I can honestly say that these moments usually don't end well in the end. Usually, I get an "it was a moment thing" or "I was drunk" or even "it was a mistake". 


Yea, I built enough of a defense system to make sure this doesn't happen, but fuck doesn't it just take a little bit out of you. 

So...yea....that's the issue in the whole and as cleaned up as I can manage. Am I horny as a toad? Immensely. Should I start having relations? Indubitably! Am I? That's a whole lot of NOPE! As much as I'd like to I'm going to have to be a bit more celibate until I can keep up these boundaries and know what is healthy and what is not. To say that I don't trust myself is an understatement. I've been making immense progress and the last thing I need is to make a mistake. Or get into a relationship that is just going to be another train wreck. So I'll just find my way of letting off steam once again by sneaking exercise until I'm exhausted (come on, why DID you think I worked out that much.....duh) and maybe Crazy Doc can help with something or can work his magic in pulling the crazy out of me and such. 

I'm making great progress. I am. know what I mean. experience....very awkward....much blush....


Oh, you're probably asking why my delicious friend is an outsider in this situation? Yea......well, she's in a very magnificent relationship with someone very dear to both of us, different scaling of course. And thankfully we have similar tastes in women with some differences to make our conversations lively and hilarious. So yea, who else to trust than a friend you can check out someone immensly attractive and fist bump afterwards. I know, objectifying women and such and that's none of this. As much as I love to embrace my 15% and realize that a woman's outfit is spot on and gorgeous with her, I can also embrace the 85% by stating that said woman is stunningly radiant and worthy on taking a chance on speaking to with the great chance of reprisal and disappointment. Also, those rare 100% moments where I switch from "wow, she beautiful" and "her shoes are to die for". 

Never disrespectful. Never without consent. Never what Trump said. Fuck that guy, he's rapey.

So...yea.....there....that wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be....still.... I need to buy better slacks.....for the hiding.....of