Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Criminally Stupid or Stupidly Criminal or The Masses are ASSES!

Forgive me, beloved.

I haven't been in a writing mood simply because I've said it all or I don't have the time to expand some thoughts. I honestly wanted to write you all about how magnificent October has been to pull me out of my shell, yet with the election that The Most Glorious of Dumpster Fires that is the new coming president-elect administration it seems that everyone only has one thought on their minds:

Trump is honestly backed by the Alt Right, or what I still call and will for now on call them fucking nazis.

Sadly, there is a beautiful sense of Schadenfreude here. I'm not going to out most of you, the people who I do interact with or even speak with at a table with some sort of meal on it and not any loyal reader who has no idea what I say or do. Yet I'll be "kind" with a capital K and a capital IND in saying that most of you have already understood where I'm coming from and what I've seen already from this nation. I'm more than willing to believe that this nation is beautiful and magnificent and what few parts I've traveled in I've met some of the nicest people imaginable. And yet, I have met and found an element that usually puts me in that cold, calculative place that I usually go to when I know things are not right and people are planning or hoping at minimum for the worst for me.

There's a reason why I look this way, good people. I don't usually look this nasty just to invite most to sit with me.  I became this because I was once twink sized at 128 lbs at 5' 10'' and looked as if I walk out of a camp. Not joking. Stress and TB can do that.

But enough of the past.

When I mentioned that there was this sense of Schadenfreude, I mean it from people who honestly called me a bit "extreme" and even "paranoid". Who somehow only saw the beauty of the day and not what can hide in plain sight. What people show you, their choice of words, how they behave with you and how they somehow like to enjoy a sense of superiority that in all case may not be due to them actually being superior. My father taught me that it's good to be with the little people, the ones who do the grunt work and in many ways are not worthy enough to put on a facade for. "Shit people". They not only know how things are, but they can get things done. Often time I've done favors and even mingled with them if only to allow people to assume naturally.

It's sad, really. When people assume. When they believe the worst could not happen. Bad things only happen in places where the newscaster can pronounce and you don't try to. Things can not go bad unless they are already bad. People are not working in their methods to make them bad, not even improve their lives, just make them bad for you. As you have your coffee, start your day, talk about this program or another, that things can not go bad. I mean, why would they.

Now......people are kind of shitting themselves. Not even people who would be called the NPR grouping of White people. I mean people of color, LGBT+ people, Trans people, old and young alike. People are shitting themselves because you now see the elephant in the room. You now see it when I've always ridden it. I hung off it to even allow you an opportunity to question what I was doing or how strange it was. Nope, I was a wacko. I was insane and that was it. There was not boogie man and if there was you should have started asking for money, THEN you'd get the attention! Yet, just informing people to be vigilant to simply BE VIGALENT?

Nah......*pffffffft*.....that's a bunch of bull, my friend.

And then, you start to see if blatantly. You see the people working in the shadows stand out and smile. They smile with appreciation of the work they've done. The long hours while you remain in almost a slumber. The previous generations warned us about fascists. They warned us about how people will use violence, media, and any means to incite anger towards any group not them and use that anger to reach the places of power where smart people than us kept them out. Well, they accomplished it. They reached the places where we imagined they would never be. They did well and now that they are emboldened by their achievement they are not stopping, but even pushing outwards.

Some blamed that we let transgendered us restrooms without harassment. That we won't shut up about getting shot by police. That the "injuns" up in the Dakota's need to stop being so uppity. That we should question the gays and queers and chase them back into their closets and even go in after them. That anyone browner than alabaster should keep their head down and do as they say or else it's back to places where it's not here. That unless you're not Christian you are in the way. All of that. Not just the religious right, but average white people who traditionally have been voting against their interests have tossed in for the "greater good". They might have even voted for Obama, but continue to vote for people who negate their chances of Hope that was promised.

People who have been the target of adding religion to school, dumbing people down, removing rights of women to improve their lives by allowing them control over their reproductive cycles. That whole red blotch of 'Merica that if compared to other maps of obesity, need for education, high religious views, discrimination groups, and even poverty levels you'd see the idea of something almost sinister and very criminal. They often say that you don't need to incarcerate people into building, but if you can make their lives harder and remove their opportunities to go up the socio-economics ladder and THEN blame in this case, "the black guy" and if you worked hard enough on limiting education? Well.....here we are.

We knew this was coming. Most of us. And yet, most of you ignored it. Education in Texas is just that education IN Texas and not here where I live. Racism in other places happen in RED STATES, not BLUE ONES. It can't happen here in Cali, even though the 90's proved that wrong. It's been over 16 years since the state went blue and we so quickly forget how it wasn't and how people are working on that. Working on what you built to weaken it to change things. Simple maintenance is needed and that can not happen if you are not vigilant.

So my dear, shitless friends, my most beloved. Take a good look now and know when I say we have work to do, I am not saying it to make you feel better. WE HAVE WORK TO DO!

Snap out of it and start reading up. Start contacting your representative and let them know you are listening. Watch the news and demand real news. Watch news from other nations such as Britan and Canada for the contrast. Don't depend on AronRa, Bill Maher, or anyone else you go to for insight, get in with them and do your own homework. We have been lax, some of us, and that cost us magnificently.

We can't all just watch The Most Glorious of Dumpster Fires......

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