Thursday, October 17, 2013

Shower Epiphany: "Look after them" and why those people are a Big bag of Dicks.

I've been thinking about those moments when a friend breaks up with their respective other and then they other usually tells me, "Look after them."

This pisses me off! This never happens if the relationship was healthy or ended with mutual agreement. This ALWAYS happen when the other person gets sideswiped by the other person and they're running for it. I mean when do you hear these words from someone who actually cared bout how to end things? This usually adds up with them finding someone and they are just burning down the bridge while they're walking across. 

I've even tried finding some sort of comparison between this and some real world event and I can't find one where the perpetrator does NOT, READ NOT, look like an asshole! The closest thing is when Led Zepplin would trash a hotel room, but then they had to pay for the expenses so that went out the window. The closest thing would be trashing something to the point it was left ruined, worthless, and trashed with no visible chance of redemption out side of long days of work as the asshole in question just walks off and tell you, "Oh, look after that shit I completely and totally fucked up, THANKS!"

Complete and total asshole. Nope...this one comes to another I can't believe, like when I said that I could never justify calling someone a CUNT and just a few days later it's like "oh, here you go. How about now?"*You know who remember this, but I wan't name you because you are too sweet to be associated with this rant and I loves you so much for being a good and awesome person* No, I'm going to pull this out since I can't think of anything else worse.

That person who does this, is a BAG OF DICKS, thanks Louis C.K., because they are on a level of SUCK that is almost unfathomable and I doubt anyone ......ANYONE.....will want to research or tabulate it. So the next time someone tosses the jagged and abused remains of someone's heart AND they say, "Look after them" in some sort of mock caring as they get ready to make their getaway, read absolution for you being a bag of dicks, I'm going to say,


*gets off of soapbox and storms off to stage exit left*

1 comment:

  1. Thank you me Louis C.K., I know that Carlin would be proud of your assistance of society once more. What would we do without you?
