Sunday, October 30, 2016

Offering Resolution to Momentarily Absent Faculty of Frequent Correspondence and Account and Interpretation of Personal Activity or how a change in the struggle help me find the tracks to put the train wreck on again.

*Dark stage with a spotlight on midstage center. A loud dragging sound appears exit stage left as it increases in intensity. Monologist enters view from stage left dragging a wooden soap box. He is dressed in smoking, greasy tatters of his normal black exercise clothing, a torn, greased ball cap, and a bent cigarette. He stops under the spotlight, drops the soap box with a loud thud and steps on it facing the audience. He takes one huge puff and leisurely breathes the smoke out, almost dragon-like before he puts it out with his fingers without flinching, places the bent ciggy behind his right ear*

Yea.......I don't usually smoke in person for a various few reasons, but I'm not my actual person now, am I? That and I'm best allowed to express the most honest version of myself here, despite of what limitations I endure and such. In other words, it's my just visit it. So, yes I do smoke. Yet if I have a smoke it's letting off steam. If I buy a pack, it's the sign of something very bad happening......

.....this is not that. Just me catching breath and offering you an explanation because, in truth, I miss you. I honestly miss you as much as I miss running down the streets of a sleepy midnight and even my 2 pm nap. To cut to the bone, October has been a great a most amazing has been both exciting, challenging, and even a bit hair-raising and heartbreakingly disappointing. I've been trying to catch up on my writing schedule that I've promised myself to keep of at least two scheduled posts, Monday and Wednesday at noon Pacific time, but sadly thins have changed two weeks ago where yea....

I got legitimate work...

....*clears throat*

I got legitimate work!

*does a little bit of the Cookie Dance on top of the soap box with a little bow*

I KNOW! I FUCKING KNOW! I got a job almost as fast as I blinked on a fucking hunch and a "why the fuck not?" With some help I got my resume tweaked and a matter of hours I got an interview and by Tuesday I was leaving the very expensive parking lot sans $17.50 for 45 minutes and then returning to the parking lot across the street at $12 a day. Not to give to many detail, I'm at a law office where I do office work and some minor legal thingies. Mind you, I am in no way inclined to anything legal or document like, but then again I've said the same thing about taking anatomy and stats and I loved that. I"m not crazy about it really, law stuff, but I have a greater respect for what it is and I'm just happy to understand enough to help people in the office who does have the tolerance for legalese. So yea.....yay!

*gets off soap box and sits on it* takes a good amount of my time and now having a part time job that pays enough to get things working again I have to say that I am now in the process of getting the train wreck that is my life back on track. I'm also proud to say, as of this moment, I have found the track!

......yea....I's not much, but considering how much I lost and regressed, finding the track is huge for me. October has been huge as much as Decembers have been horrid. So, things are looking up and I have much to share with you all except that there is a bit of a problem at the moment. I've lost the one thing that legitimate work seems to swallow up: time.  I hate to say that I'm still trying to adjust to the change in time with going to work three days a week from 9 to 5, except it's not 9 to 5. It's 5 am to 7:30 pm with a commute from hell. That and I'm on my feet, moving and working at least 80% of the time with the rest on the phone or computer. Right? Kind of takes a lot of energy out of you. That and I officially have two days of a work week to get many things done once I have enough money coming in. Well, a day and a half considering Friday's are usually my Crazy Doc days and just to shoot off some things randomly on my mind I need to do the following:

  • Contact and retain a lawyer
  • Get my Cal-Id again
  • Enter several offices and reapply for things that I had to forgo due to not having the minimum of $500 to drop
  • Reopen a bank account and make sure that it's not taken away from me *see first point*
  • Begin to pay back debt including student loans
  • Become "street legal" 
  • Start a savings and have money to save
  • Find a place to live on my own once I've settled enough debt
  • Start life again
  • Travel and see numerous friends I've have been promising to see over a decade now
So...yea.....just a few and I know I'm missing a whole lot more. 

*sighs* I have so much to say and tons to share, it almost feels as if I'm losing it all in my head. So I'm going to try and put it all down and sadly, until I can get a handle of my free time and balance that with the need to write and run and work out and even grow with the ability to become people, I'm going to have to reduce my posting to once a week. At least until I get a hold of things. I don't want to walk away since this offers some respite and peace, but I know I don't have the endurance or luxury of doing what I love as much. 

So please, be patient with me. I will share all and much, especially considering that I have so much to share and give. Please be patient with me and I'll try to get things back on track here whilst trying to get the train wreck back on tracks and maybe one day moving in a direction even......ha....ha ha ha....that will be the day....

.....I can't help feeling that I'm lying in a gutter right about now dying of a stroke. As fast as I lost everything it's just as fast as I got an opportunity. Like most caged animals, I ran out the moment it was opened even if I didn't have a direction or plan, I just ran out to get away from the cage all wishing I am not dying in a gutter and that this won't be a dream.

*takes a moment and reflects*

Century City.....I work in Century City. It's still so fresh that I haven't gotten a paycheck yet, so I'm in that struggle that first month of nothing and stretching trying to make it to that first paycheck...that first moment of success. There was a moment whereI honestly felt.....vindicated. I almost felt as if I had accomplished much. That the struggle was over and that I finally made it. That feeling lasted for an hour. I then realized a few hard truths that I struggle with even now. I realized that this job may be a way of getting out, of just making it, but it isn't.  I didn't win. I didn't launch myself to the finish line. I had some of the weight removed that I drag to get to the starting line, the same line that so many have already launched from. this job isn't the happy ending, but an anvil. It's an opportunity to swing when the iron is hot. It's a chance to take a breath between being strangled. It's a moment of hope and a chance.....a single chance to take on everything that had dog piled on me. 

It's more work. It's basically more work from a place that I could not move further from. I didn't win anything. I just have a chance to move further. My hustling days aren't over. They never will be. This is just a chance to make more money and to make my Old Man happy so that he can say that I'm physically doing something. Got a text from my mother. She says he's proud of me. Well....ain't that nice. Sorry, being the black sheep for decades now it just doesn't uplift my heart that I'm making anyone proud. I mean....does anyone really cares at this point. I'm trying to keep my head....I'VE ALWAYS BEEN TRYING TO KEEP MY HEAD ABOVE WATER......nothing changed. None of it changed. I've always been trying. Dragging myself towards something...anything's just secondary people like to give their two cents and make themselves feel better. I'm happy my struggle offers you some moment of fulfillment and clarity to you, but as for me, I'm still in it and every day is a new struggle. So, no.....I'm not done with hustling or odd jobs or just doing what I can to survive. Especially now that I see how much I've lost. How my wardrobe is lacking in people clothes. Or how odd I feel as I stand out like a "Corporate Thug" among office workers and lawyers. There's nothing like wearing a shirt and slacks to realize your body isn't ideal for shirt and slacks as it was exercise clothing or a gi. I still feel like an outsider and I would not have it any other way. 

It was quite nice to pretend that I would throw money around. "You get a gold and ivory back scratcher! You get a gold and ivory back scratcher! You ALL get a gold and ivory back scratchers!" Ha ha.....yea, no. I'm not that person. I'm still pinching nonexisting pennies and hoping for a moment where I don't have to wonder what else I have to tighten my belt on. I would like an x box or a new computer, but sadly I'm still a vagabond and don't have a place to rest my head without realizing I have to keep moving out of risk of having people get sick of me....or me of them. So, yea.....I'm not going to make it rain when I'm trying to save every drop in the desert of my life. 

I'm not like you. I never was and even with this changing I realize that more. I'll never be comfortable or go easy. My days are never easy and the moment they are I'll question them and prepare for the struggle to jump at me again.'s nice that I work in an office near Beverly Hills near the mall when in 1993, I tried to get a job at Ben and Jerry's while looking like all 128 lbs of death. Huge roundabout. Yet, I'm the guy in the break room whipping up after my tiny coffee spill that most would ignore or wait for the "help" to clean up. That's not me. Too blue collar if I get to have a collar. 

Hustlin doesn't stop, it's a way of life. It's my life. At best I'm just "Corporate Thug". At worst, thug.

That's life.......*sigh* Nothing changes unless I change it and I just got my 

*snaps out of it and looks at you*'s going to take some time to even realize that I'm not dying in a gutter and life CAN be good. Too many decades struggling to trust anything. I still don't trust my friends and the ones I do I check their fucking math constantly.  My, but I'm in therapy...and who know....I might be better one day. October has been magnificent and much has been achieved. I'm trying....I really am. It's going to take a lot of time. Time that I sometimes think I'll never have.....then again, I never thought this would ever know....

*continues to look at you and smiles* Thank you.....for reading. For being here to listen to me. I don't' have many opportunities to open up and I know that you listening to me, even if we know each other and you know I can never say most of what I say here, it help that I can look into my all out there and know that you might be there, or not, and must have the room....say my piece and move on. To say what I can't because most people don't listen. Most people don't care. Most people don't know what I honestly think and in a way that's for their own good. Maybe mine as well. 

*gets up and shrugs* Who know, right? Life is supposedly short. So...yea....I'll see you soon. Promise. 

*picks up edge of soap box and looks towards exit stage right* good to each other.

*begins to drag soap box towards exit stage right until the sound of dragging dies off*

Monday, October 17, 2016

Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By

*Running from offstage right towards center, stops and looks towards audience, disheveled and looking quite rushed. Explosions, sirens, and vevuzela braying from offstage left*

Um....oh be just a bit not noon, probably afternooish? It will come! Yet, just some .....things....yea, things.....have came up and I'm rushing about to get them done this week, but a few hours. Promise...

*interrupted by woman screaming from offstage left* WHY....WHY IS THERE NOT HONEY MUSTARD?!?!!?!? WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?!?!?!

*looks back at audience, makes odd nodding gesture towards chaos, runs off stage towards insane chaos*

Friday, October 14, 2016

How One's Personal Image may Enhance us All or First the haircut, then the science, and THEN the peace....

If you give Auggie a haircut, he's going to want to comb his hair.
To comb his hair, he's going to choose to shower rather than wet his head at the sink.
Once out the shower, he's going to want to put on regular clothes rather than his sweats/pjs.
Once getting dressed in clothes, he's going to look in the mirror and notice he looks good from his working out.
Once he notices his work, he's going to brush his teeth in case he ends up speaking to people.
Once is teeth is brushed, he's going to live longer since unbrushed teeth has a correlation with heart disease
Once he feels healthy, he's going to end up smiling despite of not knowing he is.
Once he smiles, people will not recoil as much from his aura of malice.
Once he reduces his aura of malice, he's going to notice people do not look at him in worry.
Once he notices people are kinder towards him, he's going to feel good about himself.
Once he feels good about himself, he's going to make a greater effort in improving himself.
Once me makes a greater effort, he's going to challenge himself in moments that would bother him socially.
Once he challenges himself socially, he will conclude there is nothing to worry and he will relax.
Once he relaxes, he'll smile more and work against his stutter and issues.
Once he beats his stutter and issues, he will regain that magnificent confidence.
Once his confidence is secured, he will challenge the world and the realms of science.
Once the scientific realms are challenged, we will achieve greatness in flying cars and less stupid people.
With less stupid people, a new age of enlightenment will begin.
Once we arrive at our age of enlightenment, Auggie will be happy.

But only if his hair is ok......

*bows in silliness and mock importance*

When Birds of a Feather have to Reclaim One of their Own or I get by with a little help.....

Today was a curve ball. That's as best as I can describe it.

There are few moments when I can reconnect with people at home. I think I had that moment, if only for a second. Things got stupid for someone who somehow was expected to work the impossible when it was not her burden. It was a similar moment I had when I learned what a boundary was. It was literally cartoony, blatant as hell at how insanely stupid the moment was and against everything my better judgment offered I still reached out, not as a relative, or someone who is also surviving tendrils of abuse, but as a human being who wanted to offer a solution almost as fresh as spring water, cold and refreshing to them. In my most earnest and open way, I reached out and offered advice on how they should learn to create sure boundaries that prevent people from assuming you are the scapegoat of their ineptitude. I think I reached, but I will never know and I do not have that hope that most deluded or innocent people have. My time was running out, I needed to go, but I stayed as long as I could, hoping my words had meaning and that they reached them. Perhaps I am nieve, a small child who simply wants us all to do well, to be healed, to be free of nightmares past. I had to reach out and only when nausea hit me I had to go, trying to hold in imaginary sustenance.

I would have to be a fool to say I am that jaded. I just don't want to be hurt anymore, even if I have to grimace and pretend it isn't to ruin any victory to those who find nourishment in the pain of others. I am strong, but there are moments when I have to lay down in seclusion and fall apart from holding in so much. I was already feeling that I was getting sick and that would ruin what plans I had left that was not taken from me. As much as I hate to show it, it kills me every time that I disappoint anyone I care about. I once repealed so many until they forced themselves into my morbid and empty life to accept that I was their friend and even brother in this small moment we call life. I never wanted to be loved or depended on. I've failed so many before and failing more only weaken me in ways that I can never display to others. Moments that make me wish for early death. Moments that I know that once you disappoint someone you lost that mercy when they see you as you wish you were rather than what you are. That is my only chance to hide among so many of you. 

Yet, I drove off pondering my time now. Things were looking better and I have yet to explain to many patient people what pulls me so only to realize that it doesn't matter. In the end, it really doesn't. The law is cold and sharp and cuts where it chooses to despite what you exclaim as truth or why it happened. There is no gray because it takes time to consider it. It's simple to line everyone up, ignoring motive and effort and mark them as you see fit. I was starting to accept that I'm was going to have to swallow some more. I was going to have to ingest something that I still believe was not my lot or what I am. Does not matter. Because I was placed in the role despite of those whose hands wroth such actions are worse off than I ever could imagine being. Haunted by the actions of individuals who I would consider forces of nature and destruction that you'd have to be a fool to believe they ever had compassion or free will of their own. Individuals who still seek forgiveness that I can no longer give despite of how hard I seclude myself from them.

It's why I whispered those who suffered the hells for another's hand and whispered a merciful thought that they can walk away with no connection. There is nothing and no one to bind them for decades.n Once they find the strength to walk away I myself will ensure they will never follow.

I wish I was so lucky. 

In my melancholy reflection, I've realized I missed my exit and had to endure with my waiting to exit a congested street that only led to slow drivers and construction. With unknown patience, I suffered my way to the parking structure and exited for a bowl of happiness and a friends time. Too stuck in my own mind to see them already ordered and seated I walk about wondering if I sent them elsewhere and I now must contemplate how to beg forgiveness. Mercifully they arrived to pull me back from my own mind and into the restaurant. Fighting nausea and possible stressed sickness, I choose a regular bowl of what I usually can not have enough. Soup so well prepared that it can always fill you up with warmth and happiness. Immediately, I remember how delicious a friend they are as they pull me back to who I am supposed to be. My closest friends know when I am lost and in their ways, they either snap me out of my mental imprisonment. This one friend I am more than convinced is a Disney Princess despite what can be seen, but what is felt. They are of a gentle nature that they can soothe even my apathy with almost an erupting song of hope, joy, and love that seem to be sung as if The Rose was near. They are One of my most cherished Unicorns who always have a way of pulling the small, trusting child out. The child that loves freely and fears nothing. People such as them are rare and I have two who share a bond that would cause envy to any antediluvian deity.

In minutes, I lose the weight upon my shoulders and I feel free. We laugh and they shares moments saved for my enjoyment since we are not able to spend days together. We share laughs and insight and even an occasional stroll in order to digest what we had eaten in the most enjoyable way. They understand my fury and angst against places which does not serve Taro, especially since it's almost a birthright to said places. They understand that I say the most oddest of things and even allow my puckish nature to escape if only to show them that I can be roguish, I just choose to behave due to their Princess song. Then naturally we end up changing roles allowing me to sing to birds who will do my chores and have them play with mirth and mischevious acts.

I mean, thats what friends do.......share, no?

We find a cafe and we sip our forms of tea, them with boba, I with delicate glass tea cup and saucer. I always regret that I can not find a monocle and top hat to exclaim to the world how posh I am in these moments and realize my pinky extended is my only method of conveyance. Yet we sit and sip and soon I arrive at the point where I can speak. And they listen.

They know my ache. They know well what poisons me and what causes me to lament in seclusion. A story that always causes me to lose effort and desire to be, only to realize compassion sits across from me. I always risk losing people with my stories. No.....memories. they sadden me thinking of them and the only way I can speak them is monotone to prevent me from shedding tears. I used to tell my tale decades ago as just that, tales. I always lost people whose constitution was not prepared for such. I used to lose people who always looked at me differently, either with pity or dread as if I would get misery on them. They are made from....well, Disney princess stuffs so they listen, nod and tell me what I never want to hear.

"It's not your fault. This horrible thing just happened to you and you're trying, we all see you trying to get out of it. Please keep trying."

Right? Warms your heart, huh.

We spend out moments together a bit longer as we wince from soreness and perceived age. We embrace and promise we will see each other soon. They are a goodness. I need people like them in my life.

I end my nomadic pilgrimage at the residence of the Shorte Blonde who greets me with warmth and love at the door. After fixing her meal and-and allowing her to stretch her legs she joins me in the spare room and find her usual nook to curl up with me and slumber. We are at peace until her people arrive at which more of my closest friends arrive and I slowly awaken to see their most adorable progeny grinning a smile of pure sunshine. Her namesake, or what I perceive as her namesake, just won the Nobel prize for literature and decades ago tramped his way across the nation with an open tuned six string and a book of lyrics. I embrace her and lift her above me to land into loud smooches and smiles. She is also happy to see me. We sit and dinner is offered with close embraces and kind words.

I am lucky. I have so many magnificent people. It was how my Crazy Doc pulled me up, by my love. How can such a wretched creature be surrounded by such magnificent people if he too was not one of them? 

Boom, right? I still don't think I'm special, but I have the most amazing gathering of awesome in the form of people. 

We spend time, they allow me to join their family as if I was their own as so many do, and I offer what I pass on for love. 

In the end, I collect my thoughts now, everyone including the Short Blonde slumbering in peace. I look over to my watch with my small collection of picks, CPR mask for that case of horror to come, and a small disk with a tiny dagger next to it. In harsh moments, where I need to give myself the benefit of the doubt and a bit of leniency I look at the words etched upon it and remind myself I have another delicious friend who boasts that I can not abandon her for the amount of time passed has endured a decade and that I'm stuck with her. I laugh now, realizing she also has pulled such a pessimistic ass out of his own idea of angst. Due to distance, her, like many, can not be close enough to arrive at my door and force me out. She has to rely on the most amazing banter, pleading for my stubborn ass to visit North, and small reminders that she is there even though she can not be there in tell me I'm being stupid. 

"Not Today"

She understands how close I've been and how closeI can get to the Abyss. The Abyss is distant now, but there is always wisps near and a threat that I can lose my initiative and fail all saving throws, even though I love to say, "I'm fine."

Sitting now, writing to another I realize I am wealthy. I have people throughout the nation who knows who I am. I mean the real me. The one who isn't scary, or stupidly odd, or *shrugs*.

I mean, for someone to endure me is amazing. And if I honestly sit and think I'm surrounded by so many who love me, who think I have some value, who know I always aim to do the right thing, even if it's......odd...that my social anxiety always drives me to oddness and when it's really bad they can lure me out with a cookie or two.  I mean, can I honestly complain?

No.....I can not. 

Life is hard, yet life is also good and if I work hard, it will become better. 

Peace and love.

Be good to each other, no?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Internal Conflict and Dialogue between Introverted Mind and Adulting or PHO!!!!!!!!

*Me this morning, speaking to myself*

Me: Ok, I need to get in the shower now, so that I can go and handle some things and make it to lunch with my friend for pho........PHO!!!!!!
Introvert Me: Or.....
Me:, no, not now.....
IM: .......or.....
Me: No no no....I need to handle my business....
IM: But look at your ONLY read a chapter...
Me: ....yes, but it's AronRa's chapter....that's thicker than my old micro stuff.....and I had to look things up onlines...
IM: ...Oh, look....the guitar with pretty and new haven't played in two weeks....your calluses are going away...
Me: Yes...I know, I've been stupidly busy....I'll play it soon.....
IM: And look how hazy the day is outside.....perfect nap weather....
Me:........I like NO.....I have things to do.....I can't cancel on this friend.....again.....
IM:....there's vanilla ice cream in the know that....but'd have to stay in....
Me: ....I do like ice cream...*clear throat*.....nnnnoo....I'll be clogged all day also. It's winterish and I'll get sick......
IM: reason to nap the day......*yawn* .....away.....
Me:.....yea....outside sucks.......*lays down and almost drifts to sleep* PHO!!!!!!
IM: Oh're getting pho!?! Get you ass in that shower!
*gets ass in the shower*

Moral: PHO!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Between Enthalpy and Entropy there the Struggle for Peace of Mind: Or I like writing, you guys, I do!

I always loved the idea of being a scientist as a child. I think it was Ghostbusters when Bill Murray turns to the Hotel big wig and tells him, to back off because he was a scientist. Then again if you asked me what science was back then I'd probably explain to you how they were the people who took magic and made it every day. The people chasing Big Foot, trying to figure out which aliens were using prods for their butt experiments, and how to talk to ghosts of course. Then again I was what....10? 

Yet there is something that I find solace in science that writing has not given to me. There is a method that is tried and true and if there were any errors to it, it would have been corrected to make sure that you can be as close to 95% correct in your assumptions. I love that there are formulas that calculate the most tiny of factors that can have the greatest effect to what you are attempting to calculate. I love most of all that if you are earnestly pursuing your practice with honesty, you'd want people to correct your mistakes, prove your hypothesis wrong, and to double check your math to make sure you didn't round up too soon or that you have shaved a great amount of precision off of your work for the assumption of simplicity. I even love the fact that people chase down the math for any patterns that may give people an idea to make life a bit better than before. 

What can be explained is and what can not be is hunted down by a world wide community that is hunting down the same clues with different ideas hoping for that one error or observation that will lead to the next breakthrough understanding on why and how. It still makes me laugh that my degree is in Exercise Science and yes, some may call me a glorified coach, I see myself as someone who can take account on a biochemical, genetic and microbial level why you should run, yes it's fucking hard and no one really likes it, but that difficulty does wonders for your cardiovascular health even though you are not good at it and do resemble a drunk llama spitting every fourth step. It makes me laugh because in an odd moment of realization I discovered I don't need to wait for a return of graduate school to pursue more chemistry and micro to call myself a scientist, but that my degree alone does that.

Like, wow......childhood goal realized and attained. Neat.

Still going back one day. 

Yet this is probably why I can not understand writing in any sense. It isn't a tried true method of getting something on the screen that doesn't make me feel a failure of humanity. In fact, I've written so many things that I realize what I want to write can't be reached at times. It's not like I have a map and compass with a decent sense of direction to get me where I wanted to, but more of a guy tied to a kite who might have believe this to be a great idea only to end up hoping he lands somewhere soft. Writing is pure chaos for me and has always been my first love. As much as I see scientists in their lab coats and black rubber gloves engaging in explosions, lightning and the taboo.....oh wait....that's movie scientist...always trying to blaspheme GOD and ending up fucking up the world with a moral of "if you only stayed stupid we'd be ok" always delivered..... 


Writers have this romantic idea and view of ripping something so close the ether and soul from within in order to proclaim of our humanity and worth the empty heavens. Keats, Shelly, Byron, and sure.....even Wordsworth bring up dusty libraries, roaring fires, and writing to candlelight. Writers such as Poe, Lovecraft, and even King shows us how our human flaws can be used to grow terror and fear in order to remind us that we are only here for a moment. That our time has followed greater moments and will be shadowed afterwards by great ones, trapping us into a blink of a memory that will only catch the attention of those who can not remember and will end up not caring enough to bring themselves to the effort of  following it up. 

So as much as I crave the Enthalpy of science, bringing into order for a few microseconds of time an image that blurs past us daily, I crave the Entropy of ripping one's self apart for the amusement of another. And yet, it's more. It's that space that lives between boredom and the inspiration to attempt some sort of insane amusement that would only lead to a great story one day. Even now I am filled with so much to say once more and that the moments that do me in the worst is not writer's block that nulls me to nothingness, but the explosion of events and life that speeds by without a moment of reflection. Those moments when you mind feels so impacted that it risks to explode and sacrificing on to death every last thought that had will not be birth to the world. I know my dying moments on this world, if not numbed by opiates or blanked by internal madness of illness will be filled with the lamentation of not my time coming to end, but of the ideas I haven't expressed, even if they dwell within the mundane.

I can not control it. I do not choose when it speaks or at times what it says. I only ingest what I am able to take in or at times are forced to ingest moments that lead to nightmares from denial. I then stare at the screen and make my numerous attempts that will either lull me to calm or spur an onslaught of rambling words with no sort of order, often times saying everything but what needs to be said. Proofreading at times cause me question if the previous ME is just insane or just stupid. Other times I realize that as much as I was taken hostage by that point, that it was too overwhelming and I could not erupt what needs to be said. Often time rereading it would cause me to break from reality and understand I can not say what I need to say the most simply because I can not find the words to encompass it all and what I needed the most of someone to hold on to me and tell me it will be all right. When I am able to say something so bluntly it is due to many of these moments reread or a comatose apathy that numbs me whole and allows me to utter horrors without screaming until my throat becomes bloody. These are the times when I willing go into circles or tell others that I can not endure the memory once again since I lose so much reliving it. 

There are other moments where I take on the Sisyphean burden of returning to a piece I've had dove in without checking for depth and wrestled it down to by any means available to me, each time disgusted with my attempts, enraged at my own ineptitude. These moments of hatred cause me to inflict self-hatred through harsh liquor and self-depreciating actions that will only add more fuel to a future fire. I return to the scene of struggle and wonder what is missing and how I can hold on to it once more in order to put my will upon it and not it upon me. I'm learning to walk away from pieces with a much impressive failure rate since they only lead to frustrated angst and sluggish mornings. They usually wane upon their deathbeds without mercy and conscious only to arrive at the disappointing end of being deleted and called my personal ruin. And yet there are those times where I commit the unimaginable and keep such a dead piece hidden and out from public eyes to remind me that I am not able to bare all, even when screaming that I am more than willing and would gladly make it my last effort at anything. I witness this necrosis and in some horrid and blasphemous say make mental notes and leave it once more entombed within intangible walls, never to see light of day.

My writing has always been there when I had no voice. Either memorized in order to keep the prying from finding another assault to their order or smuggled, hidden and protected as some would their secret shames. In everyday life, I do not resemble marble in which my emotions are protected and hidden from those who can find fault with them. With the most spectacular of ability to not be able to speak a lie, I had to learn to either remain silent. select my words with diligent care, or to blatantly spew what is in mind without fear of what may come. It's rough enough fighting a stutter. I've learned quickly to lean towards the strange and odd in order to be able to speak somewhat until social anxiety or once again, apathy (you will see this material again and again) allows me to say what I can and to shrug off when mumbled mess stumbles. Writing surpasses that if and only if I can get this venture enough momentum that I can begin to focus with some sort of idea of direction. If I get 80% of it I call it a victory and I can move on. If I get 50% I know I will continue to beat a dead horse. Less and it becomes a running theme that sneaks into everything untilI attempt to exorcise it which at times only leads to the previously mentioned entombment until I can bury it or use it to scold my stupored id. 

I've improved greatly I'm told in the same breaths that critique. There is something primal about someone tearing into your piece and pulling it apart that causes you to recoil in terror and fury. Check my math? Please, thank you and would you care for creme in your coffee? Tear my limping piece on why I like chocolate bunnies and I hold myself from chewing off your face with some sort of sick interest of why you find fault in order to push me to bite more of your face. I don't understand it. It's either apathy of the sacrifice or a rollercoaster of emotion all ending with a feeling of failure. I never had this skin thickened and I wish I was able to attain it. Here I scream out ramblings can feel I achieved much and others simply struggle to get through misspellings and circular points and nonsense. So I force myself to edit and try not to symbolically flip the table and give up completely only to realize I have nowhere else to go but the mess I left.

That's an image, huh? A filthy anarchist in shambles as it places a comical bomb on a bridge causing to burn as they dance against 'Merica and God and Country only to run off and drive the firetruck into the river from the damaged bridge they destroyed. It's hilarious here, but when you see it .....yea, it's sad. So....yea, don't do that?


I know what you're saying, "Auggie, you magnificent bastard, you're just stalling! You haven't said anything outside that you like writing and it's incredibly difficult to you, you most charismatic and scoundreled individual, you!" And yes, I would have to answer with yes, I am stalling. This is basically a mic check of sorts. I wanted to get something written in order to continue to. I needed to prevent literary blue balls. I wanted to know I can still write when need to, especially now since I am so full of thought I don't know where to start. I want to write about an achievement and then something that still haunts me today. To rant at the innate simplicity of what is evil and what is not evil which so many are literally bending over backwards to negate and declare that they ALWAYS enjoyed the upright position of being able to inspect one's own jejunum with superiority and self-appointed greatness, oh how great are they people, so much greatness that it's blinding, this greatness is so great folks, believe me. There is so much within that I fear that if I share one idea with will be tainted with the other and not expressed to it's full glory. I know, it's stupid, but I feel this way and I wanted to see if I can write without any of it. 

Yet, I am defensive. At this point of life, I realized that everything can and may be taken from you yet your ability to communicate is only taken by force or willingly given up for whatever reason. I've given it up once. For happiness. For what I called happiness which was pleasing someone who didn't think I should disagree with them. That any discontent would be met with imaginative measures of hell that may endure through the night and longer. Where anything of worth to you, no matter how small can be taken and smashed in front of you. Where you are not worth anything to them and they will beat that into you for your own good without any regards to their own being. They do it out of  love, which is the most horrific self-justification I've ever had heard from upright apes who declare to know the heart of the universe. What is it about people who knows best for you and their idea of how the universe is behind them fully. 

And you're in the way. Why don't you let me love you? Why do you make me do this to you? Why must I go to these measures? Why can't you trust me? I should have never cared about such a shitty excuse for a person.

Each of those  remarks came with a physical injury and scar to boot. Sometimes they're reminders of what was and what never should have been. Other days they are fuel to never shut up and serve as proof that if anyone can not reason with you without force they are not worth your time. Ever. 



....yea, writing is difficult, but I have my reasons. I have to and it's probably the vice to do me in one day. I also will let it take me. I've had moments where words have failed me and that alone has caused me to realized that only a mind unwilling entertain you can be your limit. I'm learning that a mind that is closed off is not worth your reach. That doubt is more than enough for them and you must reach those willing to entertain your openly. Life is too short. Anyone who either stifles you or negates your effort with ignorance is not worth the effort when the willing are always that. So I write for myself. I edit for you, but I write for myself in hopes of trying to make some sort of sense to what I see and I can not comprehend fully. To bring meaning to what I can not wrap my mind around and to hope that once say it makes sense to someone else. Not lofty goals, but they are mine. I don't see fortune from this, only a clear mind and perhaps a chance to fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. 

That's good enough, no?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Apathy or I don't have an alternate title, just meh.....

Waking up from the couch I reach over to the chrome book and turn off the youtube vid. The entire house is pitch black and I have no idea when it is. I still feel the pull from sleep and I just want to know enough if I can close my eyes and keep sleeping till 8 am. The pressure in my bladder convinces me that I shouldn't go back to sleep and I should evacuate my bladder. I once dreamed that I was in the bathroom and could not urinate. Thankfully I woke up before anything bad can happen and a bit annoyed that my dream would even get me to attempt to let go my bladder. 

After regaining my patience, I walked over to the kitchen table and found The Matron curled up in my usual spot on sleep and at peace. There was a time before the dog when she would at least attempt to sleep near me wherever she could, yet the dog being yappy and a bit of a dick always tried to go for her tail despite knowing that she would slash four across his eyes in any attempt. I still think he thinks it's a stupid game in which he has no idea how close the cat is to teaching him a very serious lesson. 

I feel a bit of remorse when I turn on the light overhead and place my chrome book next to her. She utters a small protest in which I mimic and sit in front of her. I used to study in this same stop for 9 hours straight for the majority of the week. At times being the only person at home, she would seek my nearness and lack of effort to constantly pet her even if she was far more adorable than she probably deserves to me. She rises and does that funky stretch that always makes them look as if they're going to launch themselves into space and our dance of salutations. She rubs against my face as I also seek her side. It leaves a lot of fur on your face and yet I always do so considering I'm always counting her days and have lost many a feline friend in the most stupidest and cruelest fashion. 

Always give love when you can, even if you can't collect. The act of giving is often more than enough. 

We get into our positions. She with her rear pressed against my machine and I tapping away with this at the moment. It's only 8 pm and I feel that I should have been much more productive even though I'm suffering a bout of stuff in my throat and apathy. Much like the pre-cold, it sticks to me until I can gather enough warmth to loosen it once more and chances are I'm not doing anything productive, much less pro-active to pull myself out of it. These are the moments I feel anything close to loneliness. When I'm feeling a bit less than what I'm constantly told that I should feel and there is no one around to pull me out. There are small moments when I do break down with a text to someone asking them to lie to me and tell em things will be alright. Almost immediately they respond in cheery manner and ask if they have to come pick me up. I already feel bad about asking for affirmance, I'd hate to make them come get me even if I don't need it. I know if something does happen I can have a small squadron moving towards me and there have been times when I refused to participate and simply sat outside to see them arrive. Somehow I gathered a magnificent collection of people who would do this, even if I'm the last person to ever say they need it.

I pulled a bit of sweet potato from a steamer used and start eating it without desire. I know it has to be something since I have no sense of joy. I can not understand if it's physical or mental and at times I don't bother questioning it despite how I DO question everything. The Matron demands a bit more attention as she  rubs me close and almost begins to lecture me on my appearance. She immediately begins to bathe me, with muttered meows of how I should have done thins myself. She continues to apply affection on my arm halting it from writing and even gets me to rub her a bit more. Funny, is there any other animal besides cats and dogs who find joy with you rubbing their face? It's all odd and I pull away to get to work as she utters more complaints and how I should not put myself through a few more hours of tappy tappy grr grr or what I call trying to write. 

When I tell people now, I'm really trying it gains me some new pause. They can actually see I'm trying and at the moment I'm trying to fail upwards rather than away. Right now I realize that I actually had plans to visit a close friend. I think it would have been enough of a break through to even want this rather than try to not go because MEH. Yea, once again therapy has pulled down walls I used to protect and hold me in and now I realize much to my surprise I want to see people. I want to spend time with them even if MEH has me by a death grip. I limit my time, sure, but I want to go. I want to be around these people I can't fucking get rid of this point.

*looks towards the fucking elephant in the room and lifts his arms in to declare defeat, walks over to it, and punches it on the fucking trunk again. That's how high I can punch it, it's a fucking elephant*

I'm going to make myself look even more fucking alien than before. I'm going to make you wonder what the fuck is wrong with me because I have to get this off my chest and if I don't it's only going to weigh me down and drag me back to old places and depressing thoughts. I'm through with that shit. My new goal is to fuck myself up in new places and make more of a fucking fool on how much I honestly don't know how things are. 

I'm in my fucking 40's, something I never thought would happen or arrive. I'm in my fucking 40's and I honestly know fucking nothing of worth. I don't know if it was because I was never taught, ever understood or even realized I'm part of. It almost feels as if I'm coming out of my cave of isolation only to discover a good friend waiting at the mouth of the cave waiting to give me a piece of their mind on ho much of an asshole I am for being in there in the first place. I get it, but I just realized there was an exit. Can I get that much? I know, everyone else knew, but I didn't. And if I had ANY ability to lie I would have come up with a better option then "I didn't know" because it's that sad. It's almost sad enough to go back in and close the fucking cave.

I mean, I just discovered how boundaries work and yes, Crazy Doc says I'm really doing well because I'm using that shit like it had an expiration date. I know people see me being difficult and believe I'm being so just because, but no. I'm really tearing up old shit that I was told years ago by some really fucked up people who needed a host to parasite to. I'm reviewing everything everyone has taught me about love and friends and I'm not doing it right. I have people who I'm friends with over 10 years minimum of trying to get rid of them somehow and each and every fucking time they pull me out of my funk and try to have me be people. That's shit is annoying and I've learned to live with it and they even learned to let me hide out, be quiet, and just be a miserable fuck if it meant that I would only go the fuck outside and chance getting shit on. Well, that just starting to change. I'm starting to feel I want to be outside. That I always felt being outside was never an option, but I might want to give it a try at least until someone yells at me to go back in. I don't understand it, but I am different. I'm more human as if that ever meant anything. It's not like I ever wanted to be less, but I want more. I want what's due and what I don't understand. That's what's driving me now, what is it that I don't understand that a person in a sunny bright room overlooking the graveyard can have so much immense patience with me and say, ", someone misinformed you. You don't have to do that. You just have to do this."

I mean, I'm past feeling awkward at realizing I know nothing.

*looks right over to the same fucking elephant, now rubbing its stupid fucking trunk and smacks it another, leaving a very nasty bruise and wince. Mind you, it's imaginary and I would never do this to a living creature, ever, but for the analogy, you better be getting used to this shit from now on because I'm tearing all this shit down*

The very concept of love has been taught to me by people who should have been fucking committed. People who should have been committed as psychopaths who taught me that I need to give everything to people and that I had no value outside of a certain group of people being happy due to my actions. That my only purpose what to be the monkey wrench to certain type of people so that they can continue to tear themselves apart only to have them build them up again. To not try anything different and to remain hidden for fear of people discovering what I am as if there is anything wrong with it. That I should hold my tongue, take a hit, and know I am nothing. That I'm valued for the same attributes that make them want to punch me in the face for. That I should be their appendage, their piece of sanity in people form and holding them broken down should be a privilege and honor even if they had to get rough with me. In my really fucked up and naive start as someone who cares, I have endured shit that if I ever told anyone about they would recoil in horror, not only because shit like that happens but from now discovering my monotone ability to recite said horrific memories often has always chilled people into realizing I'm not really all there. That such a thing happening to anyone should tear them apart and my existence proves that some things can be survived, but the cost is a terrible monument to the uncanny valley of which I am a regular in.

So I'm always trying to relive interactions and moments that I could not understand. Now with this realization, I'm in shock that I don't fall into my own beautiful mind hell where I count the holes in the tiles, realize that I will never fit in as human and that my own action cause me my own injuries. The fact that I know this shit is real is just....surreal. I now see things that could have been said and done to prevent any of this. If I was ever able to walk over to little boy me, I realize that a long hour hug would have been a great start. Teaching him boundaries and what friends can ask for and what they can not. What love interest I should remain a distant acquaintance due to any red flag, that my own mind was my own and I had all rights to feel any way I could even if I could not understand it. That I didn't need to place the world on my shoulders, people are not all cruel or in need of something you have. That I can trust people and if they stick with my stubborn and goofy ass after 10 years they are family. That my family is the result of the twisted and sick effect of selfishness of others and the cruelty of no one standing up to them. That I would probably should keep certain people I've been to bed with as friends instead of lovers, that some people can not be made happy by my means and I must walk away before their self-inflicted misery infect me. Just because she has blue hair is not a reason to go along with her. That I should always keep a sense of humor because it will stop people from shooting me. That it's ok to hug your friends a little longer instead of pushing them off. That it's going to be ok once they understand what each scar had to teach me in my long train wreck of a life. 

That people will never understand and those who try to make any attempt to should be humored, but not given free reign to me. That it's ok to walk way. That it's fine to realize you need someone to stand with you only to help you say the hard things that hurt so much to say. That it's ok to call the squadron in when you are past your limit and let them take care of you. There there are good people in the world and you are not alone. That's its ok to cry even if you think you ran out of tears. 


Apathy is realizing no one cares you have just been knocked down. That your life is a bit harder than theirs. That sometimes you can't lift your arms to fight back because it's all you do and you'd rather get the beating because it will be over soon, just close your eyes and it will be over. That the Warm Jets never come. The calvary will arrive at your end. That even if you overcome the hardest thing you have even endured, tomorrow is another day and you have to do it again. It's knowing your scream will never be heard because no one has ever heard it and you just don't have it in your to scream anymore. It's crawling toward the impossible with the heavy boot of doubt pressed upon you. It's opening the yogurt that says, "Sorry, please try again" and noticing the yogurt is cheese. 

That's apathy. 

It's what I'm fighting now. There was a brief moment where I looked over my shoulder, more reflex than anything and noticed that the Abyss was no seen. Remembering moments where I stared into it when first opening my eyes for the day and knowing it was the last sight endured before sleep would take me. There were times I seen life within it and moments realizing I was looking at the world from the inside of it and not caring if I sink lower into it to forget it's maw all together. For a small moment in my existence, I was out and much like John Cusack, I scream now that I was out. I was for a moment of time out and it did not exist. Now, I see it near. I see it and I actually have the nerve to try to fight it again. Even if apathy whispers seductive and comfortable narratives to let go.........let it happen......I never had the chance......just give......up.....let in......and......give up.....

That how it gets you. You walk through willingly. You are never dragged through or deceived. You willingly walk in and sit. As close as you can get to suicide without killing yourself. Then it's just a matter or time and you just.....don'

*sighs and feels eyes burn with new tears*

I just started doing that, you know. Crying. I just relearned to cry and not laugh. It's so fucking rare and I don't do it because it's so hard to stop, but it does happen even when I don't want it to. Yet that's there, I actually care somehow to realize this is just fucked up. That I was happy. That I could actually enjoy an accomplishment without any challenge or difficulty. That there no hoops to jump through and they're not on fire. You actually get comfortable and drop defenses that numb you so that you can feel again. And you know you're going to be hit badly if it happens, but you just want to stop being numb and you feel, for a few moments in fucking time you just feel and you don't care what it is as long as you can feel and you don't have to keep use so much energy and effort to protect yourself from things that never....

BAM! stagger and you get that rush of adrenaline and fear. Your actions go into damage control mode and you realize that it happened again. You try to take understand of all of it and you just try not to let the fear paralyze you. You need to get moving and get as much momentum as you can before it can set in and you realize that this is not new and it comes back again and again. 

And yet, I'm trying to fight it. I'm trying to fight apathy. I'm trying to not regret that I got hit again, but that I don't want to be on the defensive. I'm trying to do something different. I'm trying to fight apathy and I don't know if I can, but I have to try. 

And that's where I am now. I'm just trying to fight apathy and see if I can go back to something else. Not this. I too used to this. I want to know something else, but not this. 

No ending. I really don't have one. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Please Stand By

My dearest apologies, loyal and critical readers,

I had so much to share and contribute with so much happening last week. Overall, it was positive, magnificent, and challenging in every way. Those closest to me have a hunch of what I'm enduring at the moment and have all arrived at one statement:

You need a lawyer.

So, I'm trying to find one considering financial limits, gathering proof, and simply attempting to find one who knows if they can help me. So I'm in a bit of a mental hurricane.

Please have some patience with me and I shall give all. My most magnificent change a week ago, putting myself in the worst place for me in spite of what I had to gain, the fact that I actively looked over my shoulder and realized that the abyss was not to be seen and hardly felt.

And sadly, yes what happened Thursday at 9pm and why I need a lawyer.

Why not tell it now?


Ever lived an ordeal that simply telling it drained you of life, happiness, and drive to accomplish anything? Well, that has been the majority of my life without any....ANY....embellishment. In many ways, it's why I see the Crazy Doc and why he told me I needed to fight this. I needed to take this on as much as I have taken anything on and put this to it's grave. I would tell it, but not now. I need to time to process and time to gather my thoughts. I also want to touch on something happy, if only for myself and to give respite that I had worked so hard for.

......I was working hard, I was.

I need a lawyer.

Please, forgive me. I should have something a bit more cheery for you. It was an awesome week.

I'll see you on Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Running through the Dead City of Angels, Limping Pondering those, IF THEY WERE THERE

It was only just recently that the temperature has dropped at least 20 degrees below the humidity, that he decided not to soak his work out shirt before heading out. He wasn't too certain on how bad it was going to be and wanted some insurance that the humidity would not shut him down this run. He learned years ago that a humidity greater then the temperature was a most welcome boon when it came to running since the moisture would keep him regularly cool and he was not going to run longer than a half hour. Yet the past three summers have been unbearable in regards to running as to now force him to run 12 hours later at midnight rather than toughening it out at noon with traffic. Not only has his run times shortened immensely, but he soon realized that he didn't need to make his workouts hard on himself in order to feel as if he accomplished something.

That last part has been the result of 8 months of therapy with the only person he could trust fully considering that he had not horse in the race. Once he realized that he was punishing himself for his attempts at making himself a better person to appease hidden jackals who would just pounce upon him as much as they would breathe. As a result, he changed his regiment from running under the hot summer sun to running on empty streets occupied by the primordial roaches the size of shoes and an actual raving man muttering secret alphabet that would make Philip Lovecraft's xenophobic hearts melt.

He wet his yellow bandanna, the only thing he wore that was not black and tied it around his head, still wondering if he's going to regret not soaking himself.  At first, the bandanna helped keep his braided hair in place as she worked out, or at least it tried. Yet now with running at night and the need of cooling off with the humidity being a bother now being worse off than years ago it offered some cooling respite and often times he had removed it only to feel the once cold water turn steaming hot. Now with his night runs it helps to offer some visualization to prevent any harm. Even though he ran at midnight and cars were scarce he didn't want to find some rogue car running into him while he crossed streets that now traffic resembled places where the skyline did not blind the stars out.

Running in South LA, think Compton, Lynwood, South Gate areas, you have to resemble as much as what you want to resemble. Meaning that people usually expect runners at dawn or even mid day in parks and green areas, wearing all the paraphilia that would associate them with their past time so that most onlookers can understand that they are simply running, as in this case. Sadly living through LA in the 80's and early 90's, you honestly have to overdo it when it comes to skin color and area. In those years, he learned that sport jerseys were associated with colors despite how much you love the team. Even Raider gear in LA held an almost neutral color for Latino bangers and even if you have a mind of stats and records willing to share with others, it was best to not dress and be considered a person of interest. Sadly, doing so had changed from being unseen by the rougher element of your neighborhood to police. There had been an increase of black men and a few black women harmed by police and a few Latinos that the media are busy ignoring. So there were no taking chances. he will look his part, run on the street whenever possible while not distracting imaginary traffic, and even wave at them in mid huffing breath while approaching them slowly yet carefully.

Oddly enough, they had waved back numerous times already accepting that there is some sort of a lunatic running at midnight through South LA. It has always been a plan to out weird others into leaving him alone, and, as usual, if you can stun someone with confusion and awe before they can act it may buy you some time to survive any potential altercation. So he learned not to behave the same as others, but to stand out as simply being odd. That one guy that you seem to focus on for a moment before realizing there was no point. There lied safety.

Once certain with the prerun prep, he walked outside into a nearly slumbering night as he walked towards the main street. The majority of the people here worked long days and hard hours and would be awake once dawn became evident so there was no revealer walking about in drunken stupor or child birthday party that later on morphed into loud music with accordions, drinking from multipacks, or dj lighting. Everything was dead on the main street also, with shops here shutting down at 8 the latest and markets at 11. What remained of traffic were people arriving home from long days or even from class. Even the bustling coffee place on the corner that seemed to swallow up the street with idiot drivers making the most foolish of choices in order to order a coffee with chocolate in it and a reminder of life beyond "la Frontera". 

He waited at the light waiting for it to turn allowing him to cross as he noticed it kept cycling past him, ignoring his plea to cross and allowing the dwindling traffic to just speed by. He didn't want to cross the empty street out of some sort of respect of the rules, yet waiting two minutes for the light to change on an empty street seemed silly to him and began to cross, midway the light began to register his need for change as he arrived on the sidewalk with it finally approving his request of a safe crossing. 

Facing the now closed clothing shop, he began to stretch in front of it using his reflection as a reference. They just remodeled these shops here to have more visibility and view while running out previous business with a barber shop and this very trendy clothing shop that catered to one digit dress sizes with bulimia issues. The majority of the mannequins in front wore something ghastly and almost trampish, if he could still use the word in not shaming anyone's sexuality needs. Yet the clothing was awful and he wondered who chose to wear something so blatantly explicit without any coyness or even fashion sense. Mesh and even lace, as Madonna and Cindi proved can be a great boon to offer a tempting look of cleavage and thighs, but mesh boob window is a bit too blatant. Even Powergirl would question its purpose. So he nodded and would remark a good outfit on a tiny mannequin as a rarity while making sure limbs were in line with stretches and range of motion. 

He took a minute to find a song he could start out to as a cyclist whizzed by towards their destination. Once found, he raised his watch to read the heart monitor strapped to his chest to get a clear signal to begin. In a choreographed movement of years of running, he hits the mp3's start button as soon as his watch registered his heart rate all the while starting off his run. Tonight would be 4 miles. Since integrating these longer runs into his running he had seen an increase of stamina and strength. There was a time where half a mile would have him winded and even a time when TB took too much of his ability to even maintain enough stride to catch a bus. Knowing that running would always be his weak point, he militantly pushed himself to it while taking in data in order to analyze each run and the collective behavior. It helped keep his weight in check even before learning how to count calories and eat enough to support his daily efforts. No matter how bad it was to restart or how he felt each run was a waste he had enough data to understand that each effort, no matter how clumsy or pointless had a cumulative effect that always pushed him towards better. That his best run was an acclimation of numerous bad ones. 

Some runs were hard and taxing where he was forced to stop at several points to regain his breath and other where he involuntarily evacuated his stomach contents into a bush or curb. Some had him so exhausted that he had to shuffle the rest of the distance home. Yet with enough trust in his calculations, he always relied on his watch to let him know if his heart rate was too high or if he could push himself a bit more to max. Three years of this labor and he could trust how much he could endure and when he needed to take it slow. He knew when his heart rate would reach a false high and would drop back down before steadily reaching his max. Most importantly, he knew when things were wrong and when to stop even if he had to fight the urge to keep going. His obsessive data crunching and practice came to benefit him.

This was the start of a good run, even for a 4 mile. There were three main goals to each run: his first checkpoint, the 1.5-mile mark, and his sprint mark. The first was at the first corner turn and early into his run. Yet it determined how much progress he had made. If over 4 minutes, he was out of practice and would need to keep going, if less he was not only in stride with his conditioning, but it was a great predictor that he would cut his time by a few more seconds if lucky. The second was almost past midway after the first checkpoint and was use to determine his VO2max. He was aiming to at least 40 ml*kg/min as it was before, if not higher and a great assurance that he was in great cardiovascular health. The last was the last corner he would turn that left him with less then a 1/4 of a mile left to his run and was ran if there was anything left within him. Some days there wasn't and other days he pushed just a bit more. It was his way of making sure he gave everything for that moment. This was usually when he needed to evacuate his stomach. 

The first checkpoint was at 3:35 and was instantly amazed. He hasn't hit that time since three years ago and 20 lbs lighter. He kicked in slowly to make sure he continued his progress, holding back just enough not to burn himself out. If he was simply going for the 1.5-mile point he would have burned it, but 3 miles and tonight's 4 demanded pacing. This run had a light that normally would stop him for 30 seconds to allow traffic access to City Hall and the shopping center and library, but at this time there were no cars and he could simply pass it by or at least lessen the 30 second time. Afterward, his 1.5-mile point would be in visual proximity after the 7-11 and rounding the curb. It was exactly in front of the door to a convalescent hospital across from a catholic hospital his grandmother stayed before her health took a turn for the worse. They kept her too long and only released her when the infection took place and have her return days later. he advised his family to investigate and to speak to a lawyer, yet his family was too distraught to take his words seriously. 

He hated that hospital. He had his reasons and he hated that hospital. He notified friends and family to never take him there nor should they ever go. They left a bad taste in his mouth and every time he ran by if he only hoped the people there were being treated correctly rather than to let "god sort it out". His grandmother was healthy and even regaining her strength to walk once more when they took her in for an unneeded surgery that led to the end of it. They even begged for her children to "let her go" stating that she suffered enough, even though she would interupt the doctors and tell them to fuck off. Way to go, grandma, way to go.

Crossing the long light that shone green in the empty street it hit him. There was a small pop in his left thigh, almost as if someone threw a small pebble at him. Immediately every warning and alarm rose in his head as he knew he pulled a muscle. It was a ham muscle, not a hamstring exactly as he somewhat recovered from the awkward slowing and imbalance. He pushed on carefully to at least make the 1.5-mile point, but his thigh registered silently among the heightened amount of hormones and cortisol within him. He knew he could probably push beyond the pain and instead of a 4 mile he would do a 3 and it .....might be a good time. His thigh contested that assumption. His speed slowed by half as he took a few more steps to hit 1.5-milemile point and came to an abrupt halt. Stopping his watch and slowly trying to move his thigh in order to understand how bad it was and how much worse it to push that bit more. It wasn't great, but it ended his run. It would probably take him four days until Monday to run again. With that he found a suitable range to walk back and hoped that the endorphins would be enough to take him home. 

It was a shuffle at best. More than a zombie, but less than a teenager crossing the street while eying you to try and run him over. Passing by the 7-11 he noticed the Sheriff's car parked and even wondered if he should chance at asking if he could get a ride. They're supposed to protect and serve, no? Yet, the week had been marred with two more deaths at police "fear" and assumption that he simply decided to continue to shuffle towards home. He didn't have money to make a call and there were no phones on the street to make said phone call from. Even then, everyone had their personal phones now and they didn't have a LAN line for 8 years now and he could not remember a number if his life depended on him, which this was pretty much as close to possible. So he shuffled towards home down MLK. 

Well, it was a colder night. He was happy that he didn't soak his clothing for this run since walking slowly in this weather proved that his sweat was more than enough to drop his body temperature. If he was running this would be a great boon. Since he wasn't it started to chill him and knew he needed to hot shower soon. There were the moments he hated. There were the times when the imaginary Jackels would pounce from the trees and tear him apart. He was hurt and there was not much he could do, but shuffle. He always had this dread of being helpless. This feeling would only allow those who could not reach him before to set eyes on him now. It's why he originally would have kept running and been home earlier than this point while tearing enough damage to ensure he could not run for three weeks. He stopped only after much conditioning and experience that 4 days were better than a cane and 21 days to use it and still he wanted to take that chance despite of what he knew. 

In his experience, when you were hurt you were tossed aside. The lame animal trying to keep up with the pack with elitests prancing ahead. Sometimes they would slow down and mimicked concern and even pull it off if it wasn't for their plastic smiles and annoyed tones wanting you to "go faster" instead of realizing that this individual was already pushing themselves injured. He always stayed in back, called himself the tail and spent time with those who struggled with what seemed easy to others. He gained their confidence and trust and even told the same plastic smiles to fuck off and let them be. IF they need to run ahead do so, but they will not run faster because they can not. Few understood. Most make feign hurt and run off with their ilk. Tonight, no one would run back for him. No one will notice he is hurt and shuffling in sweat soaked clothing towards a warm house. No one will stop and he was more then used to this. 

This was his normal. 

He pondered on the comments of some articles, despite what people say about never reading the comments. He read them from areas such as Toronto and places in Minnesota and even armpit Texas which claimed the dead men this week deserved their execution simply because they could not find that ability of submission. That they died as the thug they seemed and not as the parts of society that depended on them. Blanket justification on how people with more melanin simply did not have the intellect to understand that their actions caused their death and everyone who faces off with Blue deserves their outcome. Some would respond in manner short of insulting them as what they are: bigots who have never ventured into areas where they have never been dominant in numbers. Places where anyone of color dread being stranded simply because the people of the area are the threat. These people simply laugh at any logic that questioned their behavior and simply stated "IF THEY WERE THERE" to every answer.

IF THEY WERE THERE they would have shot them down immediately. IF THEY WERE THERE they would have taught these thugs a lessons and respect. IF THEY WERE THERE they would have put some fear of god into them and teach them how 9 mm will reduce animals to nothing. IF THEY WERE THERE they would uphold the law and the right given to them by the 2nd Amendment that they will always side with Blue. IF THEY WERE THERE they would have challenged their Black Lives Matter thugs with the fact that Blue kills more WHITE lives then black ones. IF THEY WERE THERE they would teach these animals not to contest the WHITE MANS LAW and that they better get used to it because ONCE TRUMP IS president.....

...and about there is where one can not read any more. At that point, it's just a hair too close before someone calls them a racist and them feign more insult being that they are 'Merican and they this or that and you can almost see the post bleed in confederacy and only need Pepe to show his green smile in nazi brown. ONCE TRUMP IS always comes up. As if it gives people free reign to bring back the lynchings as they were before or the concept that somehow they had lost rights or even want it to go back where the nigras didn't kneel but did their little soft shoe dances that Paula Dean so loved. 

IF THEY WERE THERE weren't when the gang wars hit in the 80's. I was. IF THEY WERE THERE were not present to how congress condemned the people caught in the middle as almost savages instead of their own citizens whom needed help, who needed Blue the most. A decade had to have passed before people would not bother calling for Blue because they would not arrive or they would and the wrong people pulled aside. Blue increased their arms and aggressiveness as they stopped you, and questioned you not to ensure you were safe but to contest that they were the biggest gang about. Crips and Bloods and any other subsided only to have Blue as dominant. It's saddening that the "Stop the Killing" movement did not stop, but simply become "Black lives Matter" or any other group who realize that the majority of their youth were either killed or sent to prison rather than college or any other form of social advancement. Prison boomed. Military hardware boomed. Was it Blue or SWAT? It didn't matter since the streets became safer for Blue, yet worse for people. Maybe everything began soon after 2000 when the first camera phones hit the line. Perhaps it took photo resolution to improve for people to realize that Blue has a heavy hand. Rodney King didn't get assistance with VHS tape so perhaps Samsung or Apple are to blame?

 IF THEY WERE THERE never lived these streets, but boy, do they like to visit the area in order to get to Disney or Universal Studios. IF THEY WERE THERE have an idea of Baywatch and The Fresh Prince if there is a need for a more acceptable nigra, but people trying to make a hustle in Compton or Watts are no a blip. THEY, always THEY instead of the residents of or our citizens or even people, THEY need a better work ethic! THEY need to do this or that and act like this or that, never realizing that this community has been abandoned when the first dark people moved from across the river to these nice neighbourhoods. There historic neighborhoods regressed into Crenshaw or McArther Park or The Jungle rather than their worth. It would take a new generation of people to move back in and make downtown livable again. To make these historic places worth going once you priced everyone out. 

IF THEY WERE THERE people like their guns. They enjoy their insurance of safety and masculinity when people over here were shot many decided they didn't want them IF THEY WERE THERE people know that life is better with their gun because at any moment they realize something is not to their liking they can change everything with a trigger squeeze. You can stand your ground and state you had to. IF THEY WERE THERE would only take out their caliber freedom machine and pump rounds into the problem until the problem stopped moving. And if more comes they will continue to defend their idea of what freedom is.

All of this made him laugh as he shuffled the dead streets. He still had 6 blocks to go and it was already close to one in the morning. The irony of if he only continued to run he would have gotten home sooner weighted on him heavy. Yet he continued to shuffle without increasing the harm. He did feel defenseless, yet you could not talk him into holding a gun. He's been on the wrong end numerous times. Some by haughty fools believing it's instant power and others by terrified hands who simply want answers too scared to ask. Instead, he worked out, ran and looked menacing. It was more than enough back them. No one messed with you if you looked like you can deliver some damage. Yet, even when he was at his 128 lbs stature he walked some of the roughest streets through some of the hardest people and they moved or he moved. It didn't stop him and it didn't scare him. Outside of being at the wrong place at the wrong time during a drive by, he never feared the streets that were supposedly dangerous because they were his. He didn't feel the need to be badass because these were his friends. He was never one of the IF THEY WERE THERE people because he was here. Mind you, if he was stuck in the area of IF THEY WERE THERE people, he'd have something great to fear, but the streets were people too old to work who picked up cans for money and small children walk to school never put him in a negative light. 

He knew they were bad elements to people. And sadly they either got their worst in a pool of their own selves or in a prison. When they returned it soon because rare for those down with a cause to return to the life. They had kids. They had bills and they needed any prospect not negated to them to find work to make things better. Sometimes you see the old OG's and it's sad when they relive glory days much like Viet Nam vets did. They need a therapist not Blue on them. We focus on punishment rather than redemption and it made us to who we are now. People having to live with the IF THEY WERE THERE people waiting for ONCE TRUMP IS.

Once he was close enough he was able to see the seafood restaurant was closed for the night. It was more than a year ago when two large men walked in demanding protection money and leaving with the owner's life. Blue came when it did and nothing was seen of it. Why would it? People came out and mourned when I never been. It's mentioned now considering he would have ended his run in front of their doors. Now the closed building offer no sign of life. Even with the death of the owner it continued and it flourished despite of some act of monstrous selfishness. That's life here. Caught between a horrible act and Blue. Tomorrow they will make ends meet and hope for less of days where lives are taken. As for Blue? Why not pay for security instead of having the worse to come at a time they think it best. I have friends that are Blue. I find it sad. I don't know if they find it sad or if they are allowed to. Either way, this is how life is. No gang wars. No narcos or bald ethnic men shooting machines of murder onto the streets. Boring enough to confuse IF THEY WERE THERE people. 

Then again, darker shade of skin might just be all they need.

So sad.  So sad.

It was 1:35 am when he finally arrived and walked over to the kitchen. He swallowed two painkillers and sat in a hot shower until he was feeling warm enough to get out and flexible enough to see how bad it was. He slapped some ointment on the area and went fast to sleep. Tomorrow would be a new day and he needed to heal in a world where people made certain assertions towards places they have no idea and people they can comfortably state is not them so therefore not good.

He survived the mean streets with no weapon, injured and in need of warmth and sleep.

A wall.......people want a wall.