Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cookie Talk

So this happened.

Nameless Person: I've been reading your writing.
Me: Ok.
NP: DO you really mean it? What you write?
Me: That's either too vague or a loaded question.
NP: The stuff you write about. It's actually touching. I'm kind of shocked that....
Me: .....that I wrote it
NP: ....that you feel that way. It's sad, sometimes heartbreaking. Other times I'm laughing so hard that I can't breath. But then you turn the tables and drop something heavy.
Me: ....... don't want to talk about this?
Me: I don't ever talk about my writing.
NP: Why?
Me: It's my way of making sure I can write the hard things. I don't talk about it nor do I want other talking to me about it.
NP: Then how do you get over it? How do you move past it?
Me: Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I just need to see it as it is and then it lets go enough.
NP: Is this therapeutic to you?
Me: Helps me sleep. Helps me get through some of the things I have to take with me.
NP: Take with you?
Me: To the grave.
NP: .....why?
Me: Because I can keep a promise. If someone makes me promise I keep it. My word isn't cheap, even if it tears me apart sometimes.
NP: But if you don't....
Me: I like cookies.
NP: ....huh...
Me: I like cookies. They're tasty and good.
NP: I don't understand....
Me: This is my way of changing the subject so I don't have to relive things and we can still stay friends. I like cookies.
NP: Yea......cookies are good.
Me: I know. They're the one thing I love most of all that never change. It's like being 7 for a small amount of time. It's my way of being safe and little and innocent and not having to put on a farce and not having to drag myself on when things get so heavy that I can't bear the weight of it all. It's a moment of peace that helps me stay strong for those who would fall apart if I gave up. I like cookies damn lot.
NP: ......
*awkward silence for a few minutes*
NP: Is there anything I can do for you?
Me: Besides sharing a cookie with me. I've gotten over that whole selfish vein when it comes with food.
NP: I mean.....
Me: Just keep reading. I feel good that someone is reading. I feel good knowing that someone knows even if I don't have the strength to make the words or even have them near me to pull the words up. Just keep reading until you can't stand it anymore. Just don't tell me about it.
NP: Ok.....I can do that.
Me: ok.........thank you. This cookie talk has made me peckish. Let's go to the bakery. I can use one right about now.
NP: They have good coffee too.
Me: Do they?

Moral: I don't know yet. I don't think I'll ever know.

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