Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Shower Epiphany: A Blink in Time, not worth the moment.

Whenever I have a bad moment or just feeling crappy or mad I like to take a moment and see things from a different scale. I know that I did not exist before my time in the universe and I know that I will not exist when my time is up and if I'm luck, I will not be remembered for anything, good or evil. I will simply have my moment and then recede into the universe once again, simply a small blip in the cosmos of time. 

For some reason that gives me solace, since I see that I'm not really that important and my mistakes will not affect the universe nor will it define it. No matter how bad things are in an eon I will not be remembered and my biggest task to bear will not exist. Knowing that tomorrow and yesterday are always going to be the same and this small sandwiched time of me will simply be forgotten and passed on. I am not that significant, no matter how bad I feel. And that makes me smile and know the world is not on my shoulders, but I, a small insignificant man in this small blink of time, am on the shoulder of time as dust is on the back of a whale. Just not that much of an issue. 

Love you all.

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