Monday, April 15, 2013


My heart and love to the people in Boston today.

I'll ask on thing of us all. Especially since 20/20 is hindsight and we have just lived though horrible acts of the past. Let us not fall into the desires of those who would terrorize us. Let us not show weakness in our unity. Do not reach out for totems and dogma to incite anger, hatred, or fear. Let us reach out towards each other in empathy, love and compassion that some individuals had to resort to such a horrible act that they could not find peaceful ways to express their discontent. Let us give time, money, blood or what ever you can to make this not an act of fear, but a testimony of our love and ideals that we hold to unify us as one people bound by our own experiences and striving to make life better in positive, proactive actions.

You did not succeed in causing us to despair nor cry in anguish. You simply provided us the moment to show you how we can elevate ourselves above such savage and cruel acts. I pity you that you had to take such extreme measures. I will pity you when you are found out and brought to justice. I will pity you when you are ostracized once more and verdicts passed. I will not fear you, hate you, or be intimidated. My love for our humanity is stronger than that. And so I will pity you.


If you can give blood and are in the area, please do. If you can donate to the red cross, please do. If you have no means to contribute or make able to give some monetary item to aid, then give of yourself and love those around you. Do not let this define you negatively.

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