And then George Micheal passes. Hell, we just lost Joey Boots a day ago.......fuck you, 2016.
I mean, fuck you 2016. I'm so done with you. And yet I am in no need to share anything and I'm quite a happy place introverting in a warm room far from any stress and people. I love you all, more at this moment than before, but I need space to recharge, de-stress and carry the heavy mantel that is my persona.
See.....already ungreased gears turn and high pitched squeals sound. I can feel this becoming longer than I am willing to invest or am emotionally able to give. So stating that I will leave you with some short thought that hit me just now and maybe something profound out of the random mind crap that is my head.
I'm house sitting a few places hence running around between dwellings ensuring that pets get walks and feedings while making certain people know that the place is safe, happy and lived in. As of today, I haven't spoken to another human being and I'm happy. I need these moments. I need them because I I realize that my mind needs rest when it comes to thought and I honestly realize that my mouth is not the best medium for communication, which means out of all my physical abilities I'd have to say that I'd willingly give up my voice than any other faculties that are well used and enjoyed. My mouth is not the best way to communicate with you all. the fact that I fight my mind from the onslaught of thoughts and sorting to which ones should be verbalized with the painful stress of knowing if I do not choose my words carefully my puckish nature would be considered horrible and cruel rather than introspective and humorous. So, writing is what I work with best.
That and I have difficulties saying things. So I usually blurt them and polish them on the fly. I will never utter a beautiful word, but given time, silence, and a bit of inspiration I know I can move you as I am moved. There is so much to say and I can spend a life time with the thoughts I hold at this time, but most are not mature or ripened to share. So I'll try to say this.
I was just moved in my time of isolation on how much my life had changed. The beginning of this year I had a resolve that I would either get healthy or finally decide to take that walk down the street. The contrasts from January, coughing up blood and malaise-filled, now filled with hope, confidence, and even affection for most of you. And yet, I know I closed a chapter of my life some time ago, I know I am far from perfect. Today is Xmas day. I'm an atheist so I'm not one to celebrate, yet when I was in the cult I didn't celebrate is either. In fact, I've spent this day usually walking the empty streets and agreeing to a friend or another to go eat Chinese or visit so that I can receive a gift. The day has no meaning to me. Tuesdays usually have more meaning to me than this day, not as in a manner of protest, but because I am used to this leave of isolation I am used to. I am comfortable alone and even distant with people. I'm one who walks from the crowd when I tired from hiding in it and I go do my thing.
And I realize that I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't know how to show affection other than my children and I know that's an issue to be tackled in a wee bit. Yet, as I listen to Stephen King address an audience while traversing the Commonwealth, I realize I feel something odd. I feel something that I don't understand. I feel something that I can put into words yet, but I'll try:
I miss alot of you.
I'm still sorting out. I'm better. I have discovered the tracks of the train wreck, but I know from the wreckage that I have alot of work to do. I have alot of intimacy issues to work out and even understanding myself as a human being. I don't know what I am to you all. I don't know what I look like. I don't know what I am half the time and I do not understand how I can be a bit more. Being people like you is hard. It's where I am flawed and lacking. Being a "hard ass" or a "Legend" is easy since I just push through, but being human is almost unimaginable.
A woman jogged past me while I was walking a dog and she looked towards me and gave me a passing look that confused me. I didn't know what it means, but old tendencies told me to "avoid". I don't know who to people. I don't know how to say words that I need to say. This is my challenge for 2017. To be people.
.....and for some of you, this is why I'm still not "sleeping around" or even "dating"., yea......broken......but I want to say things because I have new emotions at the moment.
.....I love you all. I realize my life is better among you all. I'm sorry I was going to end my life this year. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt I had no direction or choice. Now I realize I have full control of my life. I had the strongest feeling of.....sorrow, I realized that I was going to take my life. That if I was not able to recover I would have died and I would have done it now. I would have taken my life at this point and just understanding how I took another path and one that has made my life not only different, but enjoyable and safe.....I am terrified by my own resolution of what I could have done....and I'm so sorry.....I guess I want your forgiveness and I don't know why. I realized that I would have been gone and pain-free and yet I would have never felt this amount of happy. It's almost Dickens how I want to run into the streets and cheer at the moment.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I almost gave up on me and would have left.
......well, I said that stupidly and clumsily and yet, it had to be said......stupidly since I can't find the way to say things.
I'll end it here.
Peace and Love.