Friday, April 25, 2014

26 Things that I'm not too fond of when I'm working out regularly

1. Eating tons of food, because I need to have that feeling of gorging while trying to be healthy.
2. The tons of protein power I have to eat because eating 21 eggs a day is not feasible unless I'm Cool Hand Luke.
3. The immense amount of water I have to drink because if I eat that much protein I have to keep my kidneys from shutting down. So not only do I feel full, but I am feeling a bit drunk.
4. The DOMS that hit when I start working out, because nothing motivates me more to keep working out than every fiber of muscle screaming in unison.
5. Trying to get 8 hours of sleep. I'm an insomniac. I'd be so much more fitter if I can sleep regularly. That and I would not be in as much pain.
6. Hearing form others about how they tried working out but it's SO HARD! I MEAN HOW COULD YOU DO IT? I HAVE SO MUCH TROUBLE BEING MOTIVATED! Yea.....that's what I need. Someone to whine about their lack of motivation when I'm dragging my ass around.
7. Idiots who decide to lecture me that I'm not doing it right in the middle of my workout. If you want we can have coffee. Have a chat AFTERWARDS. Not in mid burpee or in mid snatch.
8. People who want to advice on how to get "perfect abs" and do not accept the concept of work. Really? You think this is just possible for wanting? Get off your ass and move!
9. People who watch me work out and have to start a conversation around me on how they work out ALL THE TIME, but blah blah blah....and they're only this because blah blahh blah.....Shut up and go away. Make your bitch excuses away from me.
10. Bruises on sore muscles. No describable hell than that feeling of pain.
11.Going to the bathroom. Alot. All the time.
12. Looking for tips in magazines and youtube only to realize after you invested 20 minutes that there is nothing new to learn. Why did you make it seem you knew something I didn't?
13. People (read: women) who say that lifting makes you mannish. The porn star that your boy friend likes? She squats. Ever wonder why he's thinking of when he's tugging your empty skirt? Yea.....
14. People (read: meatheads) who say they don't need cardio. That's nice, you are huge, Arnold. And yet I can out run you without risk of a coronary. When the zombies come just know I can scale the fence, outrun and out fight you, you walking cow. In fact, I hope I become a zombie to tear into your meaty flesh. I need the protein it seems.
15. People who discourage others who may be heavy/out of shape by making fun of them working out. Really? What the fuck is wrong with you? They're trying to solve the issue! Fuck off!
16.Washing workout clothing. Yes, I do the sniff test. I do run in smelly clothes at times. I do so because between bathroom and eating times I'm just doing laundry.
17. Finally dropping weight and going to try clothes that now should fit only to discover that your body don't fit because you are too muscular....hench the bigger size. =-| Seriously?
18. Falling asleep in the shower/bath trying to loosen up my aching body.
19. Walking around like an old man that I don't want to be since I'm working out so much to feel .....young.
20. Doing mental math in my head on if I can share a cookie with someone. Most of the time it's a euphemism for something else. many times. So sad.
21. Getting that testosterone rush and feeling aggressive/horny. I spar alot. A whole lot. So much sparing. =-| Sparing.
22. Wanting to share an accomplishment only to find people don't really care.
24. Finally getting a chance to have a treat on a cheat day and getting "guilted" by someone. FUCK YOU! I EARNED THIS!
25. Finally getting to indulge on something for a cheat day then having the chance and you realize that ....nah. WHAT THE HELL?!?! I BEEN WANTING THIS ALL WEEK NOW.....nah? *starts crying*
26. It takes SO MUCH BOOZE to get you drunk with your metabolism so high and yet not enough when you drop body fat. =-| So sad.

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